Quick Shots In The War On Democracy

Quick Shots In The War On Democracy

We’re still having trouble, of late, keeping up with all the chicanery, dirty tricks and skulduggery now rolling across the country. So here, once again, is our very quick take on just some of the most noteworthy items over the past few days that you’ll want to keep in mind as we creep towards Election Day on Tuesday…

CBS Radio Affiliate in PA Inaccurately Says Photo ID Needed To Vote: “CBS Pittsburgh radio station KDKA…is running an ad claiming that voters will need photo identification to go to the polls on November 6th, despite the fact that while voters may be asked to show ID, it is not required to vote. The ad aired on October 26, “despite the fact that it’s been almost a month since the PA courts determined that no photo ID will be necessary to vote this year in the Keystone State. The ad says: “The Voter ID law was just recently signed by the governor… You’re not going to be allowed to vote unless you present an acceptable photo identification. Get to a PennDOT licensing center and get a photo ID at the driver’s license center.” The ad is completely inaccurate.

Broward County, FL Early Votes Disappearing?: Just one of the many reasons we advise against early voting, unless it’s absolutely necessary: “An analysis of the unofficial totals by early voting location on the Broward Supervisor of Elections website from Saturday, compared to the tallies posted on Sunday, shows that in one location, the E. Pat Larkins Community Center, located on Martin Luther King Blvd. in Pompano Beach, the revised totals showed 1,003 fewer votes. The initial tally reported from the polling place in the heavily black neighborhood showed 2,945 votes, but the revised tally was 1,401. Across the 17 Broward polling locations, 15 saw their vote totals revised, mostly by minute amounts of between 1 and 7 votes. But the three more significant changes, including the addition of 398 votes in Tamarac (a racially mixed community) and adding 99 votes to the totals from Pompano Beach City Hall, whose demographic is majority white.” … Political consultant David Brown, who is working for three Broward candidates, “said that when he inquired about the numbers, he was told by the elections office that the changes had resulted from a ‘computer glitch.'”

Loophole in FL Law May Disenfranchise Absentee Voters: Not sure this is necessarily in the “War on Democracy” category, but Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith have found a very interesting, if troubling, quirk in FL law that could result in legal voters being disenfranchised if they cast their absentee ballot and then move to a different county and re-register there before Election Day. Best to read their take to fully appreciate it, though it makes us wonder how many other states around the country have a similar loophole in their absentee ballot and registration laws and how many voters could actually be affected by such a loophole.

Romney Campaign Training WI Poll Watchers to Lie: “One blatant falsehood occurs on page 5 of the training packet, which informed poll watchers that any ‘person [who] has been convicted of treason, a felony, or bribery’ isn’t eligible to vote. This is not true.” … “The training also encouraged volunteers to deceive election workers and the public about who they were associated with. On page 3 of the packet, Romney poll workers were instructed to hide their affiliation with the campaign and told to sign in at the polls as a ‘concerned citizen’ instead.” After the story was published, “the Romney campaign’s schedule of poll watcher trainings was changed to private.”

Update: Romney Poll Watchers also being mistrained in Iowa, being told that photo ID is required to vote there. It isn’t.

Keep an Eye on Colorado: So recommends Bev Harris of Black Box Voting, and for very good reason. Not only is CO a key battleground this year, said to be a virtual tie in most of the polls, but “Colorado election integrity and transparency is now officially out the window, with a series of corruption protection rules and new laws.” Among those laws? Ballots that can be tied back to the voter; a new law that makes ballots and other election materials no longer public records, at least not before 45 days after an election; extreme Tea Party right-wing Sec. of State Scott Gessler’s new rules that “remove requirements for continuous video surveillance” under the guise of “cost-saving”; the reduction in the number of so-called tamper-evident seals on voting machines; and more…

GOP Says Votes Flipping From Romney to Obama on Touchscreens in 6 States [PDF]: We’ve only seen a few reports of this, but don’t necessarily doubt it. While, historically, most touchscreen votes flip away from Ds, we’ve seen reports of them flipping to Ds on a few occasions as well. Either way, these systems are 100% unverifiable (with or without a so-called paper trail printout, as some have) and should never be used in any American election. The GOP has sent their letter to Secretaries of State in NV, OH, KS, MO and CO, and the Executive Dir. of the Election Board in NC. Three of those folks are Ds, three are Rs. The letter requests that they “make arrangements for additional technicians on Election Day in case of increased calibration problems.” Of course, when machines flip votes, they should be taken out of service, not recalibrated when they are in “Election Mode” and most sensitive to manipulation. The letter also foolishly asks for signs to be posted warning voters to “double-check that the voting machine properly recorded their vote”, which is, with these sorts of machines, scientifically impossible.

Legal Voters With Library Cards Forced to Vote Provisionally in Shelby County (Memphis), TN: “A Shelby County election official said voters who are showing up at polls with only a Memphis library card as their photo identification are being given provisional ballots. … Shelby County Election Commission Chairman Robert Meyers said Monday that he’s working to find out how many voters have been given provisional ballots after showing their Memphis library card during early voting ahead of the November 6 election. … The state Court of Appeals ruled [last] Thursday that a new law requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls is Constitutional but also said the library card qualifies as a government-issued photo ID. State election officials filed an appeal with the state Supreme Court on Friday, arguing that the Memphis library ID should not be allowed because it wasn’t issued by state government.” This Thursday, the Supremes decided that library cards may be used as voting ID, but will review the case in full after the election.

Funder of Those Voter Suppression Billboards in WI and OH Identified: Last week, we told you about those “Voter Fraud” billboards placed throughout minority neighborhoods in OH in WI, by an unnamed family foundation, and that Clear Channel finally agreed to take them down. This week, the folks at theGrio and One Wisconsin Now figured out who paid for them. You’ll be shocked to learn it was a right-wing hedge fund manager who says he was only try to perform a “public service because voter fraud—whether by Republicans or Democrats—undermines our democratic process.” He failed to explain why his “public service” billboards only appeared in minority neighborhoods.

One Wisconsin Now notes that “In 2010, [Reince] Priebus [who is from Wisconsin, but is now the RNC Chairman] was cited by name, in an aborted voter caging plot targeting minorities and college students involving the Republican Party of Wisconsin, Americans for Prosperity and Wisconsin’s Tea Party leaders, including documents that referenced ‘billboards’ as part of the scheme multiple times. … That this anti-American garbage is turning up in other states now that Priebus is running the RNC is of no surprise to us in Wisconsin, given his career of scheming to deny legal voters their right to the franchise.”

Originally posted at BradBlog

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