Twitter Burns Don Jr. On Supreme Court Cake Ruling

Twitter Burns Don Jr. On Supreme Court Cake Ruling

Reprinted with permission from AlterNet.


In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s 7-2 ruling in favor of a baker who claimed the religious freedom to deny making a same-sex couple their wedding cake, Donald Trump Jr.—like many on Twitter—jumped to offer his own well-informed take on the historic ruling.

Commenting on an Associated Press article announcing the Court’s “narrow” decision, Trump Jr. chimed in, “I am reading about a 7 – 2 vote. Pretty sure that’s not narrowly… At least 2 dem leaning justices must have agreed.”

Unfortunately for Trump Jr., in this context “narrow” has nothing to do with the number of Supreme Court Justices who sided with whom in a particular case or whether those Justices deviated from their perceived ideological leanings. Instead, “narrow” means the ruling pertains to the case at hand. As Axios’ Sam Baker explains, “SCOTUS says *this* baker wins *this* case, in part because Colorado officials seemed hostile to his beliefs, but explicitly holds open the possibility that future bakers could lose.”

The Internet on Monday piled on Trump Jr.’s dense judicial analysis:

To be fair, Trump Jr. wasn’t the only MAGA-head whose grasp of the law (and Google) is “narrow”:

Elizabeth Preza is the Managing Editor of AlterNet. Follow her on Twitter @lizacisms.


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