Conway Launches Attack Against Kavanaugh’s Alleged Victims

Conway Launches Attack Against Kavanaugh’s Alleged Victims

Reprinted with permission from Shareblue.

The day after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford went public with her harrowing allegations of assault and attempted rape by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway repeatedly said that Ford “should not be insulted.”

But now that more women are coming forward to accuse Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway has totally abandoned her previous position.

In an interview with “CBS News This Morning” on Monday, Conway referred to Deborah Ramirez, the second woman to come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh, as a “so-called accuser.”

Conway also suggested that she thinks both Ramirez and Ford are part of a “vast left-wing conspiracy” against Kavanaugh.

“I thought that [Kavanaugh’s] comment last night about the second so-called accuser is incredibly instructive,” Conway said. “He’s now calling this a smear campaign. Indeed, this is starting to feel like a vast left-wing conspiracy.”

Later in the interview, Conway attacked the timing of the new allegations, claiming it raises “suspicion.”

Ramirez’s allegation, first reported in The New Yorker, is that while they were in college, Kavanaugh “exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.”

Additionally, Stormy Daniels attorney Michael Avenatti says at least one other woman is preparing to publicly accuse Kavanaugh.

Conway’s pretense of respecting victims only lasted a week, but Team Trump has been insulting Ford all along.

From the beginning, Kavanaugh attacked Ford’s account as a “false allegation,” and Trump spokespeople repeated that attack.

Days after Conway declared that Ford shouldn’t be insulted, Trump labeled the allegation a “witch hunt.” By the end of the week, Trump was publicly insisting that Ford must be lying because she did not report the attack to law enforcement immediately after it occurred.

And Conway herself still spent the week attacking Ford in passive-aggressive terms. She repeatedly noted how long ago the alleged attack occurred, as well as the fact that Democrats did not divulge Ford’s story earlier — even though it was Ford who asked them to protect her privacy.

Conway has always styled herself as a pro-woman, even “feminist,” conservative. But once again — as when she defended her boss, Trump, for being caught on tape bragging about sexual assault — Conway has revealed her true colors.

And now that the floodgates have opened on Kavanaugh’s alleged history of misconduct, you can be sure that Conway won’t be the only member of the Trump administration attacking women.

Published with permission of The American Independent. 


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