Devin Nunes Smacked By Home District Backlash

Devin Nunes Smacked By Home District Backlash

Reprinted with permission from


Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) is feeling the heat back at home as his constituents hammer him for putting the interests of Trump ahead of their own.

On Friday, just a day after Nunes spearheaded another failed stunt aimed at undermining the Russia investigation to provide cover for Trump, the pages of Nunes’ hometown newspaper lit up with scathing criticism from local residents.

“Devin Nunes should resign,” wrote one of his constituent’s in a blistering letter to the editor in the Fresno Bee. “President Trump’s chief errand boy should leave his post as Representative of California 22.”

“Mr. Nunes is the swamp. He epitomizes everything that Americans dislike about our government and its corrupted ways. Mr. Nunes’ assault on the FBI exposes his political motivations to aid and abet the worst political criminal in our nation’s history, Donald Trump,” wrote CA-22 voter Patrick MacMillan.

He concluded with a simple request: “Mr. Nunes, please resign.”

MacMillan is not alone in his feelings about Nunes. With midterm elections just six months away, the California congressman is facing growing backlash in his home district for using his congressional seat to serve Trump rather than the people who voted him into office.

While Nunes is busy embarrassing himself and sending desperate fundraising letters to rich donors in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., his constituents are watching from the other side of the country — and they’re not impressed with his sideshow.

“That loud ‘splat’ you recently heard was yet another face plant by Congressman Devin Nunes following the nothing burger ‘Spygate’ expose,” Californian John McCort wrote in another letter to the editor published Friday in the Fresno Bee. “Perhaps I’m confused, but I thought members of Congress took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. I don’t recall an oath to be a sycophant for any particular president.”

“Is Devin Nunes the love child of Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn?” another letter asked.

Meanwhile, Fresno resident Alfred Leal slammed Nunes for avoiding his own constituents, questioning why the congressman is too scared to even hold a town hall. Besides educational forums, Nunes hasn’t held a real town hall that was open to the public since 2010.

“Maybe Rep. Nunes, like the president, has something to hide,” Leal wrote.

Whether he’s hiding something or just ducking his responsibilities, Nunes’ job performance has earned the ire of enough voters back at home that his seat in Congress is no longer considered ‘safe’ by election forecasters.

And voters like Linda Taynor are determined to bring the fight to Nunes. In a letter to the Fresno Bee, Taynor ripped into Nunes for “willfully abetting the dismantling of our democratic institutions” and urged her fellow residents to “vote against Nunes and all Republicans.”

Instead of listening to his constituents, however, Nunes has chosen to listen to Trump — and only Trump. While being the president’s puppet may earn him high marks from the White House, it may soon spell trouble at the ballot box.

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