Everybody Hates Gordon Klingenschmitt

Everybody Hates Gordon Klingenschmitt

It’s one thing to be a religious nut with a TV show. It’s quite another to be a religious nut with a TV show, who is also an elected representative of the people. Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt has received a hard lesson in this simple fact.

After years of using his Pray In Jesus Name show as a pulpit for his vile, theocratic nonsense, Klingenschmitt finally pushed it too far last Wednesday, when he blamed the American sin of legal abortion for an appalling attack on a pregnant woman.

“This is the curse of God upon America for our sin of not protecting innocent children in the womb,” Klingenschmitt raged. “And part of that curse for our rebellion against God as a nation is that our pregnant women are ripped open.”

Klingenschmitt is a frequent target of liberals, but these remarks struck a chord of outrage with Colorado Republicans as well, including Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso, who removed Klingenschmitt from the Health, Insurance and Environment Committee, saying “there had to be some kind of disciplinary action.”

In a statement, Klingenschmitt said he was “literally being punished for quoting unpopular Bible verses.” However, he conceded that the situation had clarified for him that he can no longer balance his day job as a politician with his calling as a preacher, putting his ministry on sabbatical until the House adjourns in May.

Does it mean we won’t have Gordon Klingenschmitt to kick around anymore? Don’t get your hopes up.

Via Denver Post

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