At Fox Business Channel, the dominant attitude toward Donald Trump is bullish and often slavish –but the president-elect’s latest crazy tweet on the supposed need to “expand” the U.S. nuclear arsenal seems to frighten even the Fox gang — or at least Neal Cavuto.
“I’m thinking this out,” Cavuto told his fellow anchor Stuart Varney, one of the billionaire’s most obsequious fans. “Let’s say we get to Dow 20,000, so we’re all richer for it. But Donald Trump also promises more nukes, so we’re all blown up just as we’re counting our money.”
Although Cavuto looks worried he may have been joking, but his remarks certainly irritated Varney. “What? Have you become some kind of leftist all of a sudden?” In Varney’s mind, only leftists are apprehensive about a renewed nuclear arms race and the inherent danger of atomic holocaust.
Cavuto is no liberal, of course, let alone a “leftist.” His sudden expression of fear suggests that the enormity of electing a clueless clown like Trump to the presidency is beginning to dawn on him. Too late, Neal.
(h/t Raw Story)