Hillary Clinton And Bill de Blasio’s Racial Joke Didn’t Go Over Well

Sometimes politicians make dumb jokes.
Sometimes politicians make dumb racist jokes.
Sometimes politicians get called out on the cover of the New York Daily News for making dumb racist jokes.
Today’s front page…
SKIT FOR BRAINS: Hil, Blaz blasted for “colored people time” joke https://t.co/bJANl7NqcR pic.twitter.com/JlLPXJVSDE— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) April 12, 2016
This time it was Hillary Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.
It’s a quick bit — and purely scripted, as de Blasio told CNN’s Erin Burnett.
Clinton made a joke about how long it took for de Blasio to endorse her. (He endorsed her back in October, but months earlier he was noncommittal.)
De Blasio then responded with a quick line; Leslie Odom Jr., a black performer who plays Aaron Burr in the Broadway phenomenon Hamilton, was in on the joke, which plays off of an old, stupid racial stereotype.
There was an added bit of irony, too: De Blasio is married to Chirlane McCray, an African-American woman.
Screengrab of Leslie Odom, Jr., from Hamilton, Hillary Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, trying to tell a joke. tomm2thumbs via YouTube