Tag: dr sean conley
Dr. Sean Conley, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

With Trump Still In Medical Jeopardy, His Doctor Is Covering Up

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

President Donald Trump will be leaving Walter Reed Medical Center after his admission for COVID-19, a team of his doctors led by White House physician Sean Conley explained on Monday.

"Though he may not be entirely out of the woods yet, the team and I agree that all our evaluations and most importantly his clinical status support the president's safe return home," Conley said. Trump has met all the hospital's criteria for being discharged, he said, and the White House itself has a fully staffed medical unit to monitor his progress at home.

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hydroxychloroquine, White house physician, Donald Trump

Nine Questions For The White House Physician On The President’s Use Of Hydroxychloroquine

Reprinted with permission from JustSecurity

President Donald Trump's announcement on May 18 that he had secretly begun taking the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine 10 days before coincides with the revelation that two senior White House aides tested positive for COVID-19 and the sudden initiation of a White House policy for staffers to wear masks. When press secretary Kayleigh McEnany explained the new White House Policy back then, she did not disclose, perhaps because she did not know, that the president was taking hydroxychloroquine. "I think it's good," Trump said on Monday. "I've heard a lot of good stories. And if it's not good, I'll tell you right. I'm not going to get hurt by it."

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