Tag: florida
Matt Gaetz

New PAC Attacks Gaetz Over Ties To Convicted Sex Trafficker

An outside group called Florida Patriots PAC is spending over $880,000 to tie far-right Rep. Matt Gaetz to former Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg, a onetime Gaetz friend who pleaded guilty to sex trafficking of a minor in 2021. The offensive comes ahead of Gaetz's August 20 primary battle against Navy veteran Aaron Dimmock.

"Gaetz allegedly grooms Greenberg for higher political office and makes payments to him," a voice-over narrates. "Greenberg reportedly uses a 'sugar daddy' app to find college girls and pays for sex on Congressman Gaetz's behalf."

Greenberg, who was often described as Gaetz's "wingman," was at the center of a federal investigation over alleged sex trafficking of a minor and other accusations. However, while Greenberg agreed to cooperate with prosecutors as part of his own plea deal in 2021, the probe into Gaetz ended two years later without any charges.

The House Ethics Committee, though, announced last month that it had reopened its own investigation into Gaetz in 2023, after pausing it at the request of federal prosecutors. The committee said one of the things it was still looking into was whether Gaetz had engaged in "sexual misconduct." ABC News' Will Steakin recently reported that Greenberg is cooperating with the ongoing probe.

Gaetz has denied any wrongdoing and is trying to fend off Dimmock to win renomination in Florida's 1st District, a dark red seat located in the Pensacola area. One person rooting hard for the challenger is former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who is reportedly trying to unseat Gaetz as part of a "revenge tour" against the eight Republicans who voted to oust him as leader of the House last fall.

Florida Patriots PAC, whose donors are not yet known, is also airing ads touting Dimmock's service flying missions over New York City following the September 11 terrorist attacks. The advertising blitz comes shortly after Gaetz began attacking Dimmock on TV as a "raging liberal" who supports Black Lives Matter and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

Matt Gaetz

House Ethics Committee Outlines Charges In Gaetz Misconduct Probe

Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida—House chaos agent and primary attention seeker—asserted Monday that there are new “frivolous investigations” against him and that the Ethics Committee had already exonerated him on previous probes.

“The House Ethics Committee has closed four probes into me, which emerged from lies intended solely to smear me,” he tweeted. “They are doing this to avoid the obvious fact that every investigation into me ends the same way: my exoneration.”

In a rare public statement, the Ethics Committee responded, denying Gaetz’s lie that he had been cleared and detailing the initial claims against him, including “sexual misconduct and/or illicit drug use, shared inappropriate images or videos on the House floor, misused state identification records, converted campaign funds to personal use, and/or accepted a bribe, improper gratuity, or impermissible gift, in violation of House Rules, laws, or other standards of conduct.”

The panel is still probing Gaetz's alleged sexual misconduct and illicit drug use but says it has ceased investigating claims that he shared explicit images on the House floor, used campaign funds for personal reasons, or accepted bribes.

It confirmed that “in the course of its investigation, the Committee has also identified additional allegations that merit review,” and reiterated the myriad sleazy allegations—that Gaetz “engaged in sexual misconduct and illicit drug use, accepted improper gifts, dispensed special privileges and favors to individuals with whom he had a personal relationship, and sought to obstruct government investigations of his conduct.”

That doesn’t sound like any kind of an exoneration.

Gaetz is still blaming former Speaker Kevin McCarthy for the investigations, even though McCarthy is long gone.

“This is Soviet. Kevin McCarthy showed them the man, and they are now trying to find the crime. I work for Northwest Floridians who won't be swayed by this nonsense and McCarthy and his goons know it,” he said.

Gaetz led the effort to oust McCarthy due to this investigation, over which the former speaker really had no control, and the two have been publicly feuding ever since. McCarthy was also involved in vetting Gaetz’s primary opponent, Aaron Dimmock.

“Gaetz is the Hunter Biden of the Republican Party,” McCarthy told Politico. “He’s got an opponent who is pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, trained at Pensacola, went to the Naval Academy, and flew jets to defend us while Gaetz was getting kicked out of high school, buying coke, and paying minors for sex.”

And now he’s accused of trying to obstruct the investigation of these allegations. What a guy. A normal member of Congress wouldn’t want to draw this kind of attention to themself, but Gaetz sure isn’t normal.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

Laura Ingraham

Ingraham Blames Migrants For Measles Outbreak Caused By Anti-Vaxxers

On the February 26 edition of The Ingraham Angle, host Laura Ingraham weaponized a recent measles outbreak in Florida to baselessly malign migrants.

At least eight children in Broward County have contracted the virus, at least six of them at one elementary school, and an additional adult case was confirmed in Polk County. Experts say low vaccination rates are to blame. According to the most recent publicly available data, only 91.7 percent of Florida kindergarteners received the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, short of the 95 percent vaccination goal.

While the Broward County health department is still investigating the origin of the outbreak, Ingraham contended that unvaccinated migrants were responsible for the increase in outbreaks in Florida and around the country.

“Florida has seen the latest outbreak, with nine cases so far, so it's not just the spread of violent crime across the country caused by the open border, it’s the potential spread of contagious diseases,” she claimed.

Ingraham then brought on Fox News medical contributor Marc Siegel to fearmonger that the outbreak, supposedly caused by migrants, “cannot be contained."

Ingraham and Siegel failed to note, however, that in response to the outbreak, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo defied standard medical guidance, allowing parents to choose whether to send their unvaccinated and exposed children to school, rather than recommending the standard 21-day quarantine.

Suggesting migrants are culpable for disease outbreaks is a racist dog whistle, but it’s unsurprising for a network intent on demonizing immigration as a political cudgel against the Biden administration.

Reprinted with permission from Media Matters.

Matt Gaetz

House Ethics Probe Unearths Gaetz Texts To Paid Escort

The ongoing House Ethics Committee investigation into Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Florida) has resulted in several suggestive text messages coming to light.

ABC News reports Gaetz sent the messages in 2017, when he was serving his first term in Congress. Gaetz texted the woman – who was over 21 years old at the time — inviting her on a trip with several others. The woman, who remains unnamed, was being paid by Gaetz's longtime associate Joel Greenberg to have sex with the Florida Republican and several other men. Greenberg is now cooperating with investigators.

"Hey — any interest in flying on a private plane to the keys May 19-21?" Gaetz reportedly wrote in one message. "2 guys, 4 girls. A very high-quality adventurous group."

"Sure, Im in," the woman replied, prompting Gaetz to allegedly respond, "Fantastic. As is true with all time you spend w me, it'll be fun and chill […] You have a passport?"

The woman reportedly decided to not accompany Gaetz and his entourage on the flight. It's not clear if Gaetz knew Greenberg was paying the woman to have sex with him.

Gaetz has been scrutinized more closely despite the Department of Justice ultimately deciding to not file charges in a sex trafficking investigation last year. That investigation focused on whether the congressman was involved in a trafficking scheme that involved a 17-year-old girl who was reportedly being paid for sex via Venmo. Greenberg pleaded guilty to six charges — which including sex trafficking of a minor and conspiracy to bribe a public official — and was sentenced to 11 years in prison in 2021. As part of his plea agreement, Greenberg agreed to cooperate with investigators.

"Rep. Gaetz has no knowledge of these activities by Mr. Greenberg and was not involved in them," a spokesperson for the congressman told ABC on Wednesday. "Rep. Gaetz has never paid for sex. Rep. Gaetz does not know anything about the woman you're referencing, though he takes thousands of selfies each year."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

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