WATCH: The GOP Guide To Talking To Dames

The admission from House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) that Republican candidates are being trained on how to speak to female voters has already become fodder for comedian Rush Limbaugh.

Now Democratic-leaning SuperPAC American Bridge is taking its turn with a new video that begins by asking,” Did you know that the 19th Amendment guarantees women the right to vote, and sometimes they even try to run for office? Fancy that!”

The faux 1950s educational film then highlights the “rape” gaffes of former Senate candidates Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, and contrasts them with a “mainstream” Republican like Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) expressing nearly the same sentiments, but without using the word “rape.”

Also noted are endorsements of mandatory vaginal ultrasounds for women considering abortions, and generally dismissive language toward women.

“So remember, you don’t need to change your conservative views just because women find them horribly offensive. Just change how you talk about them!” the voiceover concludes. “Now go out there and get those dame votes.”

GOP Guide: How to Talk to Women

Image via American Bridge’s YouTube channel

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