7 Things You Need To Know Today

The best stories, commentary, facts, videos from around the web — all part of a balanced breakfast.

Too Big To Fail: It’s Bigger And Badder Than Ever.

The gun lobby may finally have met their match, as federal law enforcement agencies raise hell about the Obama Administration’s plans to export high-powered firearms. (Hint: They’re worried about the cartels.)

May Day was yesterday! May Day! Thousands march! Pictures and videos!

Wal-Mart, apparently spending too much time bribing Mexican officials instead of paying its staff, must now  cough up nearly $5 million in back wages to employees who were denied overtime.

The Florida town where Trayvon Martin was killed just imported a new police chief from Colorado.

Social conservative freakouts haunt Mitt Romney’s dreams, and an openly gay campaign spokesman is forced to resign after only two weeks on the job.

What’s really going on in Afghanistan? The Pentagon is excited that attacks in Afghanistan reached their lowest in five years in 2011 — but that doesn’t mean all the news in their recent report is good.

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