BREAKING: Poll Shows Americans Support Biden On Protecting Voting Rights

BREAKING: Poll Shows Americans Support Biden On Protecting Voting Rights

Joe Biden Addresses Crowd In Atlanta On Voting Rights

President Biden followed up his rousing and robust speech denouncing former President Trump's involvement in the January 6th insurrection with an even more full-throated speech in Atlanta on the importance of voting rights. He explained in full why Democrats must do everything to protect them, including gutting the Jim Crow-era filibuster rule.

The president took thinly veiled shots at Republicans and the two so-called "moderate" Democrats -- Senator Jooe Manchin (D-WV) and Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) -- in his fiery speech delivered on Tuesday in Georgia, a state he shockingly won in 2020.

"Do you want to be on the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?” he declared, prompting some gasps from supporters in the audience. “Do you want to be on the side of John Lewis or Bull Connor? Do you want to be on the side of Abraham Lincoln or Jefferson Davis?”

Disgustingly enough, Republicans had the audacity to call out President Biden for a lack of civility while they not only continue to support a man who turned the presidency into a pro wrestling match but also nearly destroyed our republic. Somehow think wanting to ensure that minorities are not disenfranchised somehow manifests incivility.

But none of their pointless partisan attacks matter when considering that a majority of Americans are fully behind the President on voting rights.

According to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll, voting rights have broad American support, including even among Republican voters. Here's how the poll breaks down:

  • Expanding access to early voting: 65% support, 23% oppose
  • Prohibiting partisan gerrymandering: 64% support, 19% oppose
  • Making it illegal to prevent someone from registering to vote: 62% support, 24% oppose
  • Making Election Day a federal holiday: 61% support, 26% oppose
  • Expanding same-day voter registration: 56% support, 30% oppose
  • Expanding access to voting by mail: 55% support, 35% oppose
  • Allowing Americans with prior criminal convictions to vote: 54% support, 32% oppose
  • Expanding automatic voter registration: 51% support, 33% oppose

But standing in the way of this broad-based support is some irrelevant thing known as the filibuster -- which stands in the way of Democrats getting anything done that actually helps the American people, rather than big political donors and coal barons. Now one might think an arcane Senate rule would have no impact on the American people. The Politico/Morning Consult poll found that 40 percent of Americans believe bills should be able to pass with 51 votes, whereas 41 percent think it should take 60. That's a remarkable look at just how undemocratic the filibuster is and why it needs to go, and why Manchin and Sinema need to stop pumping the bizarre myth that Americans somehow love and cherish this tool of obstruction.

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