Chris Christie Questions HisĀ Former Friend Trump's Mental Health (VIDEO)

Chris Christie
Former New Jersey governor and 2024 Republican presidential primary contender Chris Christie rebuffed one of ex-President Donald Trump's attack lines during a Wednesday night appearance on The Balance.
Newsmax anchor Eric Bolling recalled that Trump told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday morning that "Chris Christie and maybe deranged Jack Smith should get together for dinner" because "he's just a crazed lunatic," in reference to Christie.
"You wanna respond to it?" Bolling asked.
Christie replied with follow-up questions for Trump.
Yeah, well, look. I feel bad for Donald. I really do. You know, he's on there saying that I'm not very smart, that I'm very deranged. Look, he didn't think that, Eric, in 2018 when he offered me White House chief of staff. He didn't think that in 2016 when he offeredā when he made me chairman of his transition. He didn't think that in 2017 when he made me chairman of his opioid commission. He didn't think of that when he offered me secretary of Homeland Security twice, and secretary of Labor.
You know, so, look. I disagree with the things that Donald Trump did in the 2020 election. I disagree with the way he's conducted himself after the fact. I think it's bad for the country. I think it's beneath the office he held. But when he says stuff like that about somebody who you know, supported him in 2016, prepared him for the debates with Hillary Clinton, supported him in 2020, and prepared him for the debates with Joe Biden, if I was so useless and dumb and deranged, how did all that stuff happen? It's sad. He's under a lot of stress and a lot of pressure, and saying these things makes me really concerned for his mental health.
Watch below or at this link.
Reprinted with permission from Alternet.