Lionized for denouncing the authoritarian, plainly deranged president, Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake are a pair of unlikely heroes. After all, as Seth Meyers recalls, they were all too happy to support Donald Trump for president last year — long after the casino developer’s personality and political defects were obvious.
Now Corker complains that Trump hasn’t grown into the presidency as expected. Except why would anyone be surprised that at 71, Trump hasn’t completely changed his personality over a period of nine months?
Instead of simply walking away, asks Meyers, why aren’t Corker, Flake, and others who complain about Trump doing anything to oppose him? “Trump won’t change his behavior just because you hurl insults at him,” says Seth. “Believe me, I’ve tried!”
These politicians righteously accuse Trump of failing to do his job. But they’re failing to do theirs.