Late-night comic Jimmy Fallon has taken heat for not being hard enough on President Trump. To wit, Fallon is the lone network talk host to have welcomed the Orange One to his show, and he even touched that horrible hair!
Yet it is Fallon who – in his understated way – is throwing some of the stiffest jabs in Trump’s direction after 45’s epic meltdown on Fox & Friends. In today’s clip, the emcee of The Tonight Show sends-up the incident using little more than actual footage from the ranting, raving Trump interview.
Yamaneika Saunders then takes the stage with a few words for Kanye West. Her description of a Trump-West dinner-for-two is so spot-on, you’ll swear she can see into the future. But stay tuned for the payoff line at 4:00 as Saunders correctly identifies one drug we know is in the President’s medicine cabinet.
Click to see the dragon-slaying.