Opinions are mixed on how liberals should protest the presidency of Donald Trump. Massing in the streets is a double-edged sword, since one yahoo can smash a window and ruin everyone else’s message. Boycotting companies and products has proven effective, but Trump supporters can make up the difference in profit for a right-leaning enterprise.
How about taking to the air? A group of Trump protesters in England have gotten permission from London mayor Sadiq Khan to fly a giant “baby blimp” over The Old Smoke during 45’s upcoming visit to the United Kingdom. The building-sized dirigible hilariously depicts President Trump dressed in a diaper and clutching an iPhone.
Ari Melber of MSNBC points out that the fear of being called a “baby” is one of The Donald’s biggest insecurities, listing-off incidents of Trump using the word while dressing-down associates for supposed attacks on his character.
We don’t need two guesses as to what Democrats will think. “Trump doth protest too much.”
Click to see the gas bag.