#EndorseThis: Watch Alex Jones Fume Over Wikileaks’ Failed ‘October Surprise’
The rantings of far-right conspiracy theorist Alex Jones are rarely worthy of attention from rational human beings (although his connections with Donald Trump are prime evidence of the Republican nominee’s extremism and lunacy). For weeks now, Jones and his frequent guest Roger J. Stone, the former aide, self-proclaimed dirty trickster, and Donald Trump adviser, have predicted that Wikileaks hacker Julian Assange would release stolen documents that would destroy the Clintons and effectively end Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Stone often claimed to be in contact with Assange and as recently as last Sunday morning tweeted, “Wednesday @HillaryClinton is done. #Wikileaks.”
Naturally Assange encouraged all this speculation, while promoting wild accusations about the Clinton campaign “murdering” a young campaign aide and Hillary herself mulling a drone strike on Assange. But when the time came to deliver on his threats, Assange blinked. At a news conference early this morning, he delivered nothing of consequence while promising vaguely to publish salient documents about the presidential election, various governments and organizations “every week for the next ten weeks.”
Fox News Channel headlined “Wikileaks’ October Surprise fails,” but predictably enough, Alex Jones felt pure rage over being trolled by Assange — an emotion he acts out amusingly in the first minute of the video below. (It continues with his usual endless ranting.) Listen closely at the 30-second mark to hear Jones’ new description of his former Wikileaks hero.