Jon Stewart couldn’t help but gloat at Fox News’ coverage of the Supreme Court’s decisions to uphold the Affordable Care Act and to extend marriage equality — or as Jon nicknamed the conservative media take on all of it, “Good News-Mageddon.”
Jon also highlighted the acidic dissents of Justice Antonin Scalia, the man who decries the elite Supreme Court overturning the will of voters — except when he gutted the Voting Rights Act, even ridiculing the large majority by which it passed Congress; wanted to overturn health care reform; and even helped to elect a president over the will of the American public.
Larry invited the New York City Gay Men’s Chorus on, to celebrate the Supreme Court’s ruling for marriage equality.
And of course, Larry also had to celebrate Bree Newsome, the woman who scaled the flagpole at the South Carolina state Capitol grounds to take down the Confederate flag. Larry and his crew also imagined just what the discussions to take down that flag forever might look like — or at least, the discussions to eventually discuss it at some point in the future.
Conan O’Brien looked at NBC firing Donald Trump from his TV shows with them, in the wake of his offensive comments about immigrants. “Think about it: Donald Trump isn’t even president yet — and he’s already made America a better place.”
Jimmy Kimmel showed the off the “first” presidential campaign ad Chris Christie. And looking over the Republican field, Jimmy could only ask: “It’s fat jokes or hair jokes — which will we run out of first?”
Jimmy also looked at the gay marriage decision — and showed that yes, it really is easy to explain this topic to children.