LOL: Kellyanne Conway Claims Trump Enhanced U.S. Global Prestige

LOL: Kellyanne Conway Claims Trump Enhanced U.S. Global Prestige

Reprinted with permission from


Trump’s approval rating is slippingafter a brief bump, so Kellyanne Conway responded in typical fashion by lying through her teeth.

After a yet another disastrous week for Trump, Conway appeared on Fox News’ “Watters’ World” to try to deflect the bad news.

She praised Trump’s unhinged appearance at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) conference. And she told Watters that people “love” Trump “all across the country.”

“The numbers now show that,” host Jesse Watters said. “He’s at 50 percent approval rating, which is higher than President Obama at the same time in their presidency.”

“Our standing in the world is up according to these independent polls, as well,” Conway claimed. “And that’s a direct nexus because of his leadership.”

But Watters and Conway are both telling absurd lies.

Trump’s approval rating did crack 50 percent in one outlier poll that heavily favors Republicans. But a brand-new CNN poll shows Trump’s approval matching his historic low of 35 percent. And his average approval among nine polls is 42.2 percent, including that one outlier.

As for the nation’s standing, the most recent Gallup survey shows just 30 percent approval for the United States’ role on the global stage. That’s down from 48 percent under President Obama, and “the lowest level Gallup has recorded since beginning its global leadership poll over a decade ago.”

Conway appears to be citing a different Gallup poll that measured Americans’ perceptions of our standing in the world. But even that poll showed only 29 percent of Americans think world leaders respect Trump, far lower than under President Obama.

That standing likely won’t improve after Trump casually threatened to do something “very, very unfortunate for the world” if diplomacy with North Korea doesn’t work.

Trump’s reckless and incompetent handling of world affairs may be fine with the isolationist segment of his supporters. But in the real world outside of Fox News, Trump is as unpopular as ever.


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