It used to be that you couldn’t speak in a statehouse simply because you happened to have a vagina. So the fact that Republicans in Michigan only silenced a Democratic lawmaker for saying “vagina” is progress. Yes, after a female lawmaker was silenced for saying that word, “vagina” became a very big thing—at least on Twitter.
We’re in the beginning of the doldrums of the 2012 campaign, when policies are drawn out and the fight hasn’t really begun. Thus reporters will take Obama Girl’s PR rep’s call — and Democrats will yell at each other about the best way to explain that Mitt Romney represents George W. Bush’s policies “on steroids.”
So be careful, Republicans. This isn’t a good time of the year to try stop people from using certain words.
It might bite you in the “you know where.”
Here are our top tweets of the week:
To all the people wondering why Obama didn’t change his entire message five months before the election: are you dumb?
— Jesse Taylor (@jesseltaylor) June 14, 2012
Romney Unveils Bold New Plan to Replace Teachers, Cops and Firefighters with Tax Cuts for Millionaires
— The Daily Edge (@TheDailyEdge) June 14, 2012
“Everybody knows that government creates jobs,” said Sen. Sherrod Brown. Good to see someone saying this
— EJ Dionne (@EJDionne) June 12, 2012
How a cross-examination became a coronation on Capitol Hill Wednesday #dimon #jpmorgan #genuflect
— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) June 13, 2012
So a bunch of senators testified before Jamie Dimon today
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) June 13, 2012
Sharron Angle lives! RNC Latino site uses photo of Asian children as main image:
— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) June 14, 2012
3 of the top 5 states in q1 solar installation have Republican governors: NJ, Arizona, Tennessee
— Daniel Gross (@grossdm) June 13, 2012
Rep. Lisa Brown (D) banned from speaking on House floor after protesting abortion bills Wed: “I’m flattered you’re interested in my vagina.”
— (@MIRSnews) June 14, 2012
Breaking: Michigan GOP bans usage of the word “Virginia” because it’s a gateway word.
— William K. Wolfrum (@Wolfrum) June 14, 2012
Are you telling me you built a time machine out of a vagina? #VaginaMovieLines
— LOLGOP (@LOLGOP) June 15, 2012
Inauguration night key GOP committed themselves to “united & unyielding oppo to president’s econ policies”
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) June 15, 2012