Midterm Roundup: Gardner Leads In Colorado

Midterm Roundup: Gardner Leads In Colorado

Here are some interesting stories on the midterm campaigns that you may have missed on Tuesday, October 21:

• Another poll, this one from Public Policy Polling, finds Republican Rep. Cory Gardner leading Democratic senator Mark Udall in Colorado’s critically important Senate race. The poll has Gardner up 46 to 43 percent — which may actually be optimistic for Udall, considering that it also shows his approval rating at a dismal 37 percent. Gardner now leads by 3.8 percent in the Real Clear Politics poll average, although there is evidence that the polls systematically undercount Udall’s Latino supporters.

• Although the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has given up on Alison Lundergan Grimes’ Senate campaign, the Kentucky Democrat is still alive in the polls. A new Western Kentucky University poll finds Grimes trailing Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, 45 to 42 percent. It comes just one day after the Bluegrass Poll found the candidates in a statistical dead heat. McConnell still leads by 4.4 percent in the poll average.

• North Carolina’s Senate race is getting dirty. On Tuesday, the Fayetteville Observerreported on a mysterious flyer warning that President Obama will be impeached if Senator Kay Hagan doesn’t win re-election. Both parties are denying responsibility for the flyer, which features an image of a lynching.

• Polls continue to suggest that Louisiana’s Senate race will head to a runoff — which could be very bad news for Senator Mary Landrieu and her fellow Democrats. Landrieu leads her Republican challengers Rep. Bill Cassidy and Rob Manness in the three-way race, but in a head-to-head matchup, Cassidy is up by nearly 5 percent.

• And voters in Louisiana’s 5th Congressional District will have a tough choice in November’s election: The top two candidates are “kissing congressman” Vance McAllister, and Duck Dynasty cousin Zach Dasher. On Tuesday, BuzzFeedreported that Dasher used to host a podcast on which he warned that “it’s very likely that” a “Mussolini-Hitler-Stalin-type regime” could “happen in America,” and that atheism caused the Sandy Hook shooting, among other inflammatory statements.

Photo: Jimmy Emerson, DVM via Flickr

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