New Poll: Americans Will Blame Trump For Shutdown

New Poll: Americans Will Blame Trump For Shutdown

Reprinted with permission from Shareblue.


If the government enters a shutdown, Americans will firmly blame Trump and the Republican Party for causing it.

new poll from USA Today/Suffolk University shows by almost a 2-to-1 margin (43 percent to 24 percent) that most citizens understand that Trump and his party have — once again — created a shutdown crisis, and that they are to blame.

Overall, a shutdown is an extremely unpopular idea, with 54 percent of Americans opposing the concept.

The country is facing a possible shutdown because Trump and Republicans have continually pushed for wasting billions on a needless and racist border wall. Democrats have opposed this and voters in 2018 made clear that they reject the GOP’s racist fearmongering about immigrants.

Trump himself went on the record and made it clear that he would be to blame for a shutdown. While fuming over being embarrassed by Democratic Leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, Trump said, “I am proud to shut down the government” if he doesn’t get his wall.


Shutting down the government has become a Republican tradition. Almost a year ago, Republicans forced yet another government shutdown, eventually caving in to Democratic pressure to reopen the government. Republicans also shut down the government in 2013 under President Barack Obama, and in 1995 and 1996 under President Bill Clinton.

But shutdowns are unnecessary and they make life difficult for millions of people. Still, Republicans don’t care and are pushing for one yet again. If it happens, Americans know that the party and its leader are completely to blame, no questions about it.

Published with permission of The American Independent.


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