#EndorseThis: Greed And Hypocrisy As Trump Cronies Glom PPP Loans

You may recall how the Treasury Department and the Trump White House strenuously opposed any oversight of the hundreds of billions of dollars distributed by the PPP loan program. "I'll be the oversight," barked Trump. And now we know why: His friends, family, and political cronies have bellied up to federal cash box, grabbing with both hands.
In just 90 seconds, the liberal SuperPAC #MeidasTouch delivers a sharp summary of several egregious "borrowers" in a new ad titled "Leave Me A Loan." The offenders range from Jared Kushner to Kanye West and include that lifelong anti-government crusader, Grover Norquist. (Grover no longer wants to drown big government in a bathtub. He just wants to drown his principles in million-dollar hand-outs.)
Yes, businesses owned by Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Rep. Devin Nunes are among the connected outfits that got some easy loan action too. Meanwhile, deserving small businesses were left to go under.
Which stinks worse, the hypocrisy or the greed? We report, you decide.
- How Republicans Helped A Corporate Crony Rip Off PPP Millions ... ›
- Trump Family, Cronies Cleared For Millions In Bailout Funds ... ›
- White House Won't List Recipients Of 'Small Business' PPP Loans ... ›
- Trump Appointees Let Aviation Firms Keep Money That Was Supposed To Assist Workers - National Memo ›
- NBC News Report Finds Hate Groups Got $4.3M In PPP Loans - National Memo ›