Sarah Sanders’ Fake Syria ‘War Room’ Photo Backfires Spectacularly

Sarah Sanders’ Fake Syria ‘War Room’ Photo Backfires Spectacularly

Reprinted with permission from

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders desperately wanted to have a dramatic photo of the war room when the decision was made to bomb Syria. Unfortunately for her, no such photo exists — but Sanders wasn’t about to let a little detail like that get in the way.

And so on Saturday night, Sanders tweeted out an “official” photo of the Situation Room, writing, “Last night the President put our adversaries on notice: when he draws a red line he enforces it. (Inside the Situation Room as President is briefed on Syria – Official WH photos by Shealah Craighead).”

There’s only one problem with the photo: Mike Pence, who is pictured in the Situation Room to the right of Trump, was not in the White House Friday night. He wasn’t even in the United States — he was in Peru for the Summit of the America’s.

Pence even posted a picture of his arrival in Peru on Friday:

Sanders was apparently hoping that we would be too distracted by the drama of a black-and-white image to actually look at the photo.

Sanders was sorely mistaken.

Not long after she posted the tweet, savvy Twitter users started pointing out the discrepancy and then proceeded to drag her for the misleading photo.

NBC News White House correspondent Kelly O’Donnell recognized the shirt Sanders is wearing the photo as the same one she wore on Wednesday — suggesting that the photo was actually taken two full days before the decision to strike Syria was announced.

Despite being called out for the photo and dragged all over Twitter, the tweet was still up twelve hours later — a point that one Twitter user made this morning.

Ten minutes later, Sanders posted an addendum to her original tweet:

As Sanders learned the hard way, when you lie all the time, you lose the privilege of getting the benefit of the doubt.

Sanders gets up behind the White House podium and lies to the American public on a near daily basis — and the American public clearly doesn’t trust a word that comes out of her mouth. Nor do they trust a single tweet that comes from her fingertips, and for good reason.

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