SNL Cold Open: White House Oversells That Dubious Presidential Physical

On Saturday Night Live’s cold open, Sarah Huckabee Sanders (Aidy Bryant) sets a certain fabulous tone at the press podium when she claims that a million women showed up in the streets to “celebrate the president’s first kick-ass year in office…We did it, girls!”
Even so, none of the goggling reporters is ready for what the White House is trying to promoe as Trump’s honest and true medical exam. “I have again asked Dr. Ronny Jackson (Beck Bennett) to come out here and tell you how NOT fat the president is.”
After Dr. Jackson extols Trump’s “rockin’ bod” and its “gorgeous Coke-bottle waist,” a reporter (Cecily Strong) rises: “Some people are saying these results are fabricated because they’ve taken even one look at the president.” Another (Kate McKinnon) inquires about the cognitive exam that Trump boasted about passing — which the physician describes as a test “we typically only give to make sure someone isn’t severely brain-damaged or a monkey in people clothes.”
It’s almost as funny as the real exam results.