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Department of Justice

White House Liaison Booted From Justice As Trump-Barr Rift Explodes

Reprinted with permission from DailyKos

From the moment he toadied back onto the political scene, it's been clear that Donald Trump could have no better attorney general than William Barr. That is, so long as "better" was defined as more willing to twist the entire concept of justice to support Trump's ability to lie, cheat, and get away with anything. Barr tried out for the job by writing an opinion that he didn't even think it possible for Trump to commit obstruction of justice, took a star turn by squeezing the 448-page Mueller report into a three-page memo that completely warped the findings, then followed up by spending months pursuing every aspect of Trump's conspiracy theories, including making trips to Italy, England, and Australia in an effort to convince allies to undercut U.S. intelligence. He also took time out to order peaceful protesters assaulted so Trump could get a photo op.

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