This Time, Bring Popcorn As We Wait For Trump To Implode

This Time, Bring Popcorn As We Wait For Trump To Implode

When Donald Trump took over the White House back in January 2017, an appalled opposition started a movement called "the resistance." Its purpose was to stop Trump's worst excesses. Some may recall the massive Women's Marches and other anti-Trump demonstrations.

This time, past resisters are saying they are exhausted. Efforts to revive the women's protests have pretty much fizzled. But does that mean the opposition has gone into hiding? Has it decided to not care what MAGA outrages await the country?

Hardly. The resistance has taken to their recliners with bags of popcorn. They expect grand opera as an administration run by billionaires for billionaires rolls over the working folk who put Trump in office. While Trump distracts the public with threats against Canada, he has Elon Musk and company plumbing the budget for over $2 trillion that can be chopped.

The few places not off-limits to cutting tend to be the health and other programs that benefit average Americans. How else could the incoming oligarchy cover an extension of tax cuts for their people?

Other economically crazy proposals — widespread tariffs and new tax cuts — seem set to explode deficits and supercharge inflation. Many of the former resisters, now somewhat relieved to be a passive audience, are not entirely displeased by what they believe will befall the MAGA rubes. There's already a lot of uncharitable told-you-so in their social media posts.

The reaction to Trump's reelection was humorously summed up by fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi. "At first, I was saying, 'Darlings, you know, meet me on Lexington Avenue with your muskets,'" he told the Daily Beast. But also, "How long can the chaos they sow last before it implodes?"

Until then, Trump is having a good time at his base's expense. He talked a big game about squeezing tight the flow of immigrants taking Americans' jobs. After the election, however, he expressed his enthusiasm for the controversial H-1B visas. The H-1B program recruits foreign tech workers who are smart but also paid less. An outsourcing industry already provides Silicon Valley with these less-expensive tech workers.

But an analysis by the Economic Policy Institute puts into doubt that there is a shortage of American tech workers. The 30 companies hiring the most H-1B workers took on 34,000 new H-1B employees in 2022 but laid off at least 85,000 workers that year and early in 2023.

To lower expectations for a Trumpian economic miracle, the president-elect now complains that he's about to inherit a weak economy. It happens that Joe Biden is leaving office with another boffo jobs report. Biden created 693,000 factory jobs versus Trump's 425,000 before Covid hit. Inflation for groceries, a chief gripe, is now less than 1.6 percent. Incomes after inflation are higher than when Trump left the White House.

After candidate Trump promised to bring prices down, post-election Trump told Time magazine, gee whiz, "that's hard to do." By the way, the price of eggs is again going up largely for the same reason it rose two years ago, the bird flu.

Then there's the hokum of financial deregulation as the magic wand that will make all America richer. It would certainly make Wall Street richer for a time. In 2001, George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, complete with a balanced budget, from Bill Clinton. He then pushed sloppy deregulation that turned a housing bubble into a mortgage debacle and sent much of America into financial collapse.

Trump seems ready to follow suit. He talks of deregulating cryptocurrencies. (His son Don Jr. runs a crypto business.) Many economists say crypto is already a dangerous bubble. Take cover.

And so where has the resistance gone? It's gone to the show and the attendees are packing popcorn, not muskets.

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On Planet MAHA, Vaccines Are Bad But Bacteria-Laden Milk Is Good

On Planet MAHA, Vaccines Are Bad But Bacteria-Laden Milk Is Good

What's wrong with sriracha? And, by the way, what is sriracha? Sriracha is a hot sauce of Thai origin made from chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt. The rap against it centers on its high levels of sugar and sodium. But Sriracha is normally used in tiny amounts, so where's the problem? The other complaint, that it's "too hot," has an easy remedy. Use less of it, or don't use it.

Such debates are part of the sprawling MAHA movement. MAHA stands for Make America Healthy Again. The name's nod to MAGA makes it sound like part of the Trump agenda.

MAHA is a rummage pile of diverse interests ranging from organic farmers to homeschoolers to anti-vaxxers. It has spawned a swarm of "influencers," podcasters and, most definitely, entrepreneurs pushing products that nurture body, soul and gullibility. At the same time, its emphasis on fresh food and exercise is laudable.

Crackpot conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is Donald Trump's choice to head Health and Human Services. "Bobby" spreads unfounded accusations against life-saving vaccines and promotes dangerous "natural foods" such as raw milk. If confirmed, he would try to send health policy on a mission to planet Omicron Delta. Star Trekkers know Omicron Delta as a giant amusement park that can read people's minds and make real anything they imagine, from fairy-tale characters to deadly threats.

Back on planet Earth, Trump wants RFK Jr. to "go wild" on health care. Bobby claims that a worm has eaten at his brain, which makes one worry for the health of the worm.

The claim that unhealthy diets are contributing to childhood obesity, diabetes and other scourges is solid. But some arguments over what constitutes a bad diet are far from simple.

"Ultra-processed foods" have become the all-purpose villain. MAHA holds that food conglomerates are forcing ultra-processed foods onto the American public. Two problems here. One is that no one is forcing anyone to buy or eat food they don't want to. The other is that the term "ultra-processed" is both misused and hard to define.

The Washington Post and other classy news sources were recently suckered by a study claiming that consumption of ultra-processed plant foods, including plant-based meats, was associated with higher rates of heart disease and premature death. Researchers at the University of Sao Paulo and Imperial College London put out the report. Imperial College led its press release with a photo of plant-based burgers.

Trouble is, plant-based meats may be ultra-processed, but they can be healthier than the real thing. More concerning, plant-based meats were almost entirely absent from the study condemning them.

The report also used a cheesy method for categorizing foods. Foods with gluten were automatically put in the ultra-processed column, but gluten has long been a meat alternative (Seitan is made from wheat gluten.) Under these definitions, tofus with natural flavorings and thickeners can be categorized as ultra-processed.

"It's a concept prone to illogical free association, lumping together Cheetos with ultra-healthy fermented beans," Vox reported.

If the Senate confirms Kennedy, Trump would surely swat down any of his ideas that conflict with big money. He's already announced that Bobby cannot get near oil drilling, thus nixing one of his chief environmental causes.

Vaccines are another matter. One can be assured that Trump and family have all their shots, but if other adults die from preventable diseases, well, that's on them. And if their unvaccinated children die from polio or measles, I would not be alone in judging those parents guilty of child abuse.

Taking MAHA's dimmer demands seriously would be a gamble with the public's health. What happens on Omicron Delta should stay on Omicron Delta.

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Hey Suckers! Stop Taking Trump's Boob Bait On Greenland And Panama

Hey Suckers! Stop Taking Trump's Boob Bait On Greenland And Panama

Donald Trump had a rough couple of weeks. Members of his own party sunk his attempt to escape a vote on the debt limit for two years. Some of Trump's picks for top jobs weren't received with universal applause. A revolt by Republican senators against his choice of Matt Gaetz as attorney general forced the Florida Republican to withdraw from consideration. Then there was, yuck, the Gaetz report.

If you were Trump confronted with this unwanted evidence of limited political potency, what would you do? You would throw out some dazzling nonsense to distract the public's attention from your difficulties. You would make outlandish comments on such matters as buying Greenland and taking back the Panama Canal. You'd suggest that Canada become the 51st state.

And what has much of respectable media done with this fusillade of goofy chatter? Unfortunately, they jumped at the bait with unseemly speed and moved their focus to Trump's muttering about plans to stomp on the sovereignty of friendly countries. They led news reports with serious discussions of the international ramifications.

"The US is unlikely to take control of any of these regions," the BBC wrote with a straight face, "but these statements could indicate that Trump's 'America First' vision includes flexing the superpower's muscle beyond its borders for US trade and national security interests."

We've been here before.

In August 2019, then-President Trump told reporters of the "strategically interesting" idea of buying Greenland, which is a territory of Denmark. The Danish prime minister called the proposal "absurd." Trump then canceled a planned state visit to Denmark, citing such remarks as the reason.

But to show what a ha-ha headbang that attention-grabbing stunt really was, Trump tweeted a photograph of a skyscraper in the middle of an Arctic setting with the Trump logo at the top.

He wrote: "I promise not to do this to Greenland!"

He just dusted off the ridiculous idea again, writing on a social media post that the U.S. "feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity" for reasons of national security and global freedom.

Media again snapped at the floating lures.

The Wall Street Journal offered the headline, "Trump Threatens to Take Control of Panama Canal, Greenland." The New York Times headline was "Trump's Wish to Control Greenland and Panama Canal: Not a Joke This Time." The article asserted: "Over the past two days, President-elect Donald J. Trump has made clear that he has designs for American territorial expansion."

Not a joke? Trump's son Eric posted an image on X showing Greenland, the Panama Canal, and Canada in an Amazon online shopping cart.

The Danish prime minister's office simply brushed off the latest provocation. It blandly remarked that the government was "looking forward to working with the new administration" and left it at that.

As for the Panama Canal, one serious news source noted that Trump would be able to use "the world's largest military" to back up his demands. The irony of discussing such rash international adventures without noting that Trump routinely accused his political opponents of being war-mongers was lost.

Greenland is still not for sale, but if it were on the market, it would be a big-ticket item, to say the least. Some analysts put the value of its natural resources alone in the hundreds of billions of dollars. Taking it by force would be a costly military operation.

How would starting the United States on a round of territorial expansion fit in with vows to chop $2 trillion out of the budget? Not well and another reason to dismiss the clown show.

At the very least, Trump should have to come up with new material.

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Scott Jenning

Do You Want Donald Trump To Succeed -- Or America?

Those 38 Republicans who frustrated Donald Trump's demand that he be freed from the inconvenience of a debt ceiling vote early in his term were truly impressive. These are guys with whom yours truly disagrees much of the time.

What Trump's smarter knee-jerk defenders really believe is a matter of speculation. Scott Jennings used to work for normie President George W. Bush. He clearly sees his current job as left tackle, defending Trump from charges of lunacy, whatever their merit.

Thus, he turned on these deficit hawks for not submitting to the demand that they remove a stumbling block for Trump's evident plans to cover his tax cuts and spending with new borrowing. Jennings put it diplomatically, saying that Trump "had to convince them that teamwork matters."

It does, but you first have to decide what team you're on. Is it Team Trump or Team America? They are not necessarily the same team.

Rep. Chip Roy of Texas took issue with colleagues willing to let Trump off the debt ceiling hook. "I'm absolutely sickened by a party that campaigns on fiscal responsibility," he said, "and has the temerity to go forward to the American people and say you think this is fiscally responsible."

Roy is surely not on board with preserving the Affordable Care Act as I am, but that would be good for Team America. Trump will very likely work to eviscerate, if not kill, it. He tried the first term and almost succeeded.

We should all agree that restoring law and order in our immigration program would be good for Team America. Trump talked a big game about doing this. I have my doubts.

His vow to also go after undocumented migrants who have broken laws, apart from entering the country illegally, is low fruit. Who could be against that? For the record, Barack Obama deported many more "criminal aliens" than did Donald Trump in his first term.

Trump now says he would also send home recent arrivals, including those who otherwise haven't broken the law. But then Trump runs afoul of the moneyed interests who say they need the labor and who are his people.

Most important is sending a message that, henceforth, anyone who sneaks over the border doesn't get to stay. What rouses most pessimism about Trump's dedication to stopping future illegal immigration has been his refusal to support E-Verify. E-Verify is an online database that lets employers know whether a new hire may legally work in this country. Thus, they could no longer accept fake documents or assume that no authority would bother them.

E-Verify or something like it is the only way to cut off the job magnet at the root of illegal immigration. As long as the undocumented can get a job in the U.S., they're going to come here. And some already say that if Trump does send them home, they'll just slip back in again.

Asked about E-Verify during his first term, Trump responded, "E-Verify is so tough that in some cases, like farmers, they're not, they're not equipped for E-Verify." The notion that farmers don't know how to use computers is nonsense. Also insulting to farmers.

Back to the present, Jennings poses "a core question." (That sounds so principled.) "What does the constituent want?" he asked. "Do they want you to execute your ideology or do they want Donald Trump to succeed?"

It was quite refreshing for some of the dissenting Republicans to say they represented their constituents, not Trump. Much of America has come a long distance, and not in a good way, to equating one man's interests with America's.

Do they want Trump to succeed or America?

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Donald Trump

Part Infant, Part Gangster: It's Very Hard To Keep Donald Trump Happy

The older he gets, the bigger the baby. Donald Trump has turned the U.S. government into one giant pacifier to calm his fear of seeming less than all-powerful. Consider those billionaires now dropping bags of gold at his feet, concerned that he would use his presidential powers to hurt them.

Donald Winnicott, a prominent English pediatrician and psychoanalyst, famously wrote that babies have "the illusion of omnipotence." They think the world revolves around their needs being met.

To reinforce his illusion that he embodies Roman Emperor command, Trump has turned to the cameras to publicly name formerly skeptical, or even just neutral, moguls now paying tribute:

"So Tim Cook (Apple) was here."

"We do have Jeff Bezos, Amazon, coming in."

"The top bankers, they're all calling."

Reputable political analysts say this executive behavior reflects alarm that Trump might try to sabotage their business and hurt their investors. Anyway, the commentators add, paying a million or two in tribute is "just a rounding error" to these guys.

The analysts are not wrong. More amazing is that they would calmly portray threats toward leading American enterprises —engines of the economy, creators of jobs — as something a normal president would do.

Another word for this is extortion. It's the mobster message: "If you don't want trouble, you know what to do."

Recall during the first term when Trump tried to punish Amazon through higher postal rates and by taking away a $10 billion Pentagon cloud servicing contract. Trump's motives were not at all hidden. Bezos owned The Washington Post, which was often critical of him.

The nomination of vaccine foe Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head Health and Human Services could be seen as a classic baiting operation. Its intention is also to dare senators, Republicans included, to challenge his choice of this weirdo. If Trump wins, then he's proven he has them all in a headlock.

The objective isn't just to get away with things but to send the mob message, "If you don't want trouble, you know what to do." And to add, Caligula style, "Let them hate me, so long as they fear me."

Seeing that Bobby Jr. may be a crackpot too far even for cowed Republicans, Trump could drop the nomination. But that might seem like surrender. Instead, he's gaslighting the public on what RFK Jr. stands for. It happens that the lawyer helping Bobby choose staff for HHS petitioned the government to revoke its approval of the polio vaccine.

"You're not going to lose the polio vaccine," Trump recently told reporters. Big of him. That the public needs that kind of reassurance shows how deep Trump thinks he can take it into the rabbit hole of mind-bending. Until he came along, no one even imagined that an American leader might deny their families protection from a polio epidemic causing paralysis, long-term muscle weakness, fatigue and pain.

But suppose Trump arm-twists the Senate into approving a health official who would "put the public's health in jeopardy," according to 75 Nobel laureates. That would be hard to beat as a display of omnipotence. He would again be matching Caligula, who is said to have appointed a horse as a consul.

Uber and its CEO have just contributed a combined $2 million to Trump's inauguration. What makes this example of executive submission special is that Uber's chief legal officer, Tony West, is Kamala Harris' brother-in-law. Uber's CEO did little to veil his motive. It was his biggest donation ever to a political candidate, he noted, and showed "Uber's eagerness to work with the incoming administration."

Babies grow out of the obsessive need to display dominance. Trump hasn't, and he's almost 80.

Follow Froma Harrop on Twitter @FromaHarrop. She can be reached at fharrop@gmail.com. To find out more about Froma Harrop and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Web page at www.creators.com.

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What Does Daniel Penny's Acquittal Mean? Not What You May Think

What Does Daniel Penny's Acquittal Mean? Not What You May Think

Is Daniel Penny a Republican, a Democrat or something else? As of this writing, his political leanings remain a mystery. Republicans clearly want to adopt the white Marine veteran who strangled a threatening Black passenger on a New York City subway car. They may deny it, but the racial dynamics created a desired optic for their warm support.

And the racial dynamics surely played a part in protests by Jordan Neely's supporters — that this was a case of a white person killing a Black man who had already been subdued. After a jury dismissed manslaughter charges against Penny, they argued that had he been Black and the man kept in a long chokehold been white, the outcome would have been different.

They were wrong. We would have had a Black hero who protected a subway car of passengers from harm.

Had I been on the jury, I would have sided with the others and released Penny.

I've shared New York subway cars with hollering homeless men. The spectacle of these mentally ill individuals was always jarring, and I'd keep a watch out of the corner of my eye. At times, I considered changing cars.

But I'd never encountered a deranged passenger yelling "I'm ready to die" and "someone is going to die today" as Neely had done — and who lunged and threw garbage at riders. I was never in a situation where several people on the car simultaneously dialed 911. Two passengers joined Penny in holding Neely down, and others held the car door open at a station to await arrival of the police.

It's true that Penny could have released his chokehold once Neely seemed subdued. It's also true that in the heat of the moment, Penny may not have realized that Neely was no longer a combatant. He says he didn't intend to kill Neely, and police confirm that when they reached him, Neely still had a pulse.

One thing was obvious to all: Neely had no business being on the streets. He had been arrested dozens of times. After breaking a woman's nose in a random attack, he was offered 15 months of supportive housing and intense outpatient psychiatric treatment. After 13 days, he left the program, but the city never went after him.

Donald Trump put Penny on display at the Army-Navy Football Game, having him join the retinue of his uniquely unqualified Cabinet picks. J.D. Vance wrote on X that "New York's mob district attorney tried to ruin his (Penny's) life for having a backbone."

I'm glad Alvin Bragg followed through on a second-degree manslaughter charge after the medical examiner declared the death to be a homicide. That gave a New York jury the opportunity to look at the facts and, in this case, clear the defendant's name.

It is notable that when past Manhattan juries ruled against Trump, MAGA accused New York of being a venue hopelessly biased against the ex-president. Penny's acquitters came from the same jury pool.

Penny's lawyer said his client was not making a political statement by joining Trump and company at the football game. "If it were a president in office who was a Democrat, who invited him to the Army-Navy game as a way to show support to the military and for his country," Steven Raiser said, "he would have gladly accepted that as well."

The subway confrontation underscores the failure to separate the dangerously mentally ill from the general public. Solving the problem requires social spending, which Trump World seems determined to cut.

A New Yorker, Penny may have felt more a quandary than a lust for vigilantism. He could serve his community well by being a Democrat and running for office.

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Why Trump Can't Repeal The Clean Energy Revolution

Why Trump Can't Repeal The Clean Energy Revolution

"Some may seek to deny or delay the clean energy revolution that's underway in America, but nobody — nobody — can reverse it. Nobody. Not when so many people, regardless of party or politics, are enjoying its benefits." Still-President Joe Biden said that on a recent visit to Brazil.

His administration's Inflation Reduction Act, for example, included $400 billion in subsidies for solar power, electric vehicles and other renewable energy technologies. Its goal is to slash carbon emissions, the main driver of climate change and the environmental chaos it unleashes.

President-elect Donald Trump has called climate change a "hoax." And drilling remains his answer for every energy question.

Never mind whether Trump or anyone else thinks climate change is real. One thing that is very real is the jobs the IRA is creating. It happens that 60 percent of these new jobs are in red states. If their Republican representatives don't want them, no problem. There are plenty of other takers.

But they apparently do want these jobs. At least 18 House Republicans have made clear to House Speaker Mike Johnson their opposition to repealing the IRA. Meanwhile, some of the big oil companies that held fundraisers for Trump have clean energy projects funded by the IRA. They also don't want the IRA canceled, at least the parts that benefit them.

Responsible world leaders regard a warming planet as a security as well as environmental threat. Melting ice glaciers and associated rising sea levels are flooding towns and cities, endangering ports, roads and other infrastructure. Higher temperatures are stoking more intense storms, heat waves, droughts and wildfires. They are wrecking ecosystems.

This is a worldwide problem demanding a worldwide solution. Under Biden, the U.S. has met a pledge to increase international climate financing this year to more than $11 billion.

Obviously, neither Trump's heart nor his brain is engaged in dealing with this threat to our future. And so where can Americans turn for leadership on this existential crisis?

They can turn to California. If it were a country, California would be the world's fifth largest economy. It's not an easy place for Trump to push around, and the Golden State cares a whole lot about climate change.

For example, Trump seems hot to end the electric vehicle tax credit. If that happens, Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom says, California will offer its own tax rebate. And he seems to be structuring the credit so that some popular Tesla models won't qualify for it.

The governor insists that he merely wants to help other carmakers "take root" in the EV market. But another motive is to stick it to Elon Musk over the Tesla founder's California bashing and his glomming onto Trump.

On this matter, California has a good deal of muscle. About one in three EVs sold in the U.S. are sold in California. As other carmakers bring out new and less expensive EV models, California could help break Tesla's longtime dominance.

Trump says he wants to open the environmentally fragile Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. We'll see.

"I would be surprised if any major oil company, or even any middle oil company, submits bids," Larry Persily, publisher of the Alaska-based newspaper Wrangell Sentinel, said. "It is a high-cost, highly speculative play." And for all the whining about the price of gas, it's already below $3 a gallon in many places. You know, that supply-and-demand thing.

Biden's various legislative accomplishments have unlocked an estimated $1 trillion for green energy technologies and the factories needed to build them.

America is going ahead with the transition. Trump can't stop it. And to those who want to pass on its economic benefits, go ahead. Others will happily take your place.

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Let Me Tell You Why People Hate Health Insurance Executives

Let Me Tell You Why People Hate Health Insurance Executives

There is no condoning the cold-blooded murder of a UnitedHealth Group executive in predawn Manhattan. Moments after Brian Thompson was shot dead, a torrent of unsympathetic posts flooded social media. I was surprised by both the brazen attack and the unveiled congratulations to a killer. The reasons for the anger, however, I understood very well.

I have my own story. I shared it after the insurer had launched its cruel "Delay Deny Defend" strategy to avoid covering my husband's cancer treatment. Those three words became the title of a 2010 book on the subject, written by Rutgers University law professor Jay Feinman. They may have been the inspiration for the words etched on bullet casings found at the crime scene: "deny," "defend" and "depose."

For years, my husband and I had no serious health issues. We would go to a doctor for annual checkups, and that was it. We were ideal customers for UnitedHealth or any other insurer.

But then my husband was diagnosed with complicated liver cancer. Our plan stipulated that we use doctors in the insurer's network but that if we needed specialized care elsewhere, United Healthcare would cover it. Our network doctor, an expert in liver cancer, told us in no uncertain terms to go to Deaconess Hospital in Boston. Deaconess then offered the cutting-edge treatment my husband needed — and was only a 50-minute drive away.

The doctor obviously anticipated the battle we faced in getting the insurer to cover it. As we walked out of his office, he whispered, "Mortgage the house."

We would have done just that and sued UnitedHealth later had we not fallen victim to the "delay" scheme. The company repeatedly implied that it would seriously consider covering the treatment. To get there, we had to go through an appeal process. That meant speaking to a "handler" who said our case would be reevaluated. About a week later, a one-sentence rejection letter would arrive by snail mail. But it included a number we could call to challenge the verdict. Around we again went.

We could never talk to anyone who made decisions. We couldn't get anyone there to talk to our doctor. At one point, we were told to seek treatment at a now-failing community hospital. The handler told us that the person sending us there was "a nurse" as though that was reassuring.

My husband, an ex-Marine, was a tough customer. He said that dealing with the insurer was worse than dealing with the cancer.

We had fallen into those traps, which Feinman explained, were designed "to wear down claimants" and "flat-out deny" valid claims. Should the policyholder sue, the insurer would unleash a team of lawyers who excelled at swatting away plaintiffs.

Because insurers put the premium payments into investments, delaying payouts also enabled them make more money.

In serious cases, one suspects that delaying tactics are also intended to wait out the life of the patient: The policyholder would die before the insurer had to spend money on medical care. We finally said "the hell with waiting" and went to Deaconess for treatment.

Some months after a grueling round of chemo, my husband died. I'll never know for sure whether the delay hastened that outcome. I do know that the then-CEO of United Healthcare — widely known as William "Dollar Bill" McGuire — later walked off with a $1.1 billion golden parachute after having raked in $500 million.

One last note: Project 2025, the right-wing blueprint for a second Trump term, would, among other things, let Affordable Care Act insurers discriminate against preexisting conditions. It would deregulate Medicare Advantage plans, which are run by private insurers, and herd more Medicare beneficiaries into them.

You've been warned.

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How Trump Will Betray -- And Beguile -- The Workers Who Elected Him

How Trump Will Betray -- And Beguile -- The Workers Who Elected Him

Working-class voters put Donald Trump over the top, thinking he would look out for their interests. How does the administration he's putting together look for them?

Not great.

Roman emperors maintained control over the populace by giving them "bread and circuses" — free bread and lavish entertainment to distract them. Trump appears to be following that strategy except that "the bread," that is, economic benefits, seems destined for the billionaire elite. The masses, however, get a three-ring spectacle.

Note that Trump chose a respected financier, Scott Bessent, to run the Treasury. The markets, nervous that Trump would explode deficits and do scary things with tariffs, were somewhat calmed by the pick. Stock prices rose at Bessent's naming. Trump wasn't about to mess with investors.

The broader American public, on the other hand, is getting quite a show. Trump himself seems much amused by his nomination of crackpot Robert F. Kennedy to run Health and Human Services. "Bobby" is a vaccine "skeptic" whose skepticism has little basis in science. He told Samoans that measles vaccines shipped to their country were of lower quality than those sent elsewhere. A few months later, 83 people, most of them children, died from measles.

Trump told "Bobby" to "go wild" with health care. What a card!

Back at the bread buffet, Trump has tasked Elon Musk to cut $2 trillion out of the federal budget. Musk became the world's richest man thanks, in part, to the American taxpayer. Over the decade, Musk has collected over $15 billion in federal contracts for SpaceX alone.

And so out of whose hide do you think a funding-ectomy would be taken? A good guess would be "not Elon's."

Project 2025, a right-wing document written for a second Trump term, calls for weakening the Affordable Care Act. It wants to let insurers discriminate against preexisting conditions. It would deregulate Medicare Advantage, coverage provided by private companies, and make it a default option. The intention is to discourage participation in traditional Medicare, which many beneficiaries prefer because it doesn't limit them to doctors in a network and require referrals to see specialists.

When the shocking details of Project 2025 became well-known, Trump swore up and down the campaign trail that "I had nothing to do with it." Also, "I have no idea who is behind it." He's now hiring a number of the architects behind it.

Trump and Musk seem especially keen to gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, created to shield ordinary folks from abusive lending practices. Some of the most respected names in finance have made fortunes trapping unsophisticated borrowers in contracts swimming with snakes.

The bureau has proposed limiting late fees on credit cards, which would save consumers $10 billion a year. And it would remove medical debt from consumer credit reports, resulting in higher credit scores for those buying a home or car. Wall Street wants the CFPB off its back.

How might Trump hide the reality that the economic winners in his second term will be the tech and finance bros who bankrolled him and the losers will be you-know-who? Provide the losers with ever more gaudy circuses. He's already twirling culture war baubles, witness his hollering about plans to go after Ivy League colleges engaged in DEI. Whatever you think about diversity, equity and inclusion programs, chances are good that Harvard's admission policies don't really affect you.

Trump's naming of outrageously inappropriate department heads may be part of the distraction process. He has the media fulminating about the unqualified collection of misfits proposed to run our intelligence, defense and medical establishments.

Advice to average Americans: Be vigilant. When you're at the circus, it's wise to watch your wallet.

Froma Harrop has worked for Reuters, The New York Times News Service and the Providence Journal. She has written for such diverse publications as The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar and Institutional Investor.

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Why We Should Still Be Giving Thanks

Why We Should Still Be Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is the most American of holidays. But there is something almost un-American about it. It is a day opposed to striving, to getting more. We stop adding up the numbers on the scorecard of life. We freeze in place and give thanks for whatever is there.

The Wall Street Journal once featured sob stories about failed dot-com entrepreneurs. People still in their twenties and thirties spoke painfully of their disappointments. They had planned to make many millions on internet startups, but the dot-com market crashed before they could pile up the first seven figures.

One 29-year-old had joined a new company that paid "only" $38,000 a year (about $64,000 in today's dollars). His business school classmates were averaging $120,000 at traditional firms. Others talked of working outrageously long hours. When their dot-com closed its doors, they had little personal life to fall back on.

Our culture does not encourage contentment with what we have. This is the land of the upgrade. One can always do better, be it with house or spouse. When money is the measurement, the competitive struggle can never end without acknowledging some kind of defeat. Everyone other than Elon Musk has someone who is ahead.

Messages in the media continually tweak Americans' innate sense of inadequacy. Our folk hero is the college dropout who sells his tech company for $2 billion by the age of 26. How is a middle-aged guy making $65,000 a year supposed to feel about that?

Some years back, an investment company ran an ad showing a young woman sitting pensively on a front porch. "Your grandfather did better than his father," it read. "Your father did better than his father. Are you prepared to carry on the tradition?"

Note the use of the respectable word "tradition" on what's really a call for intergenerational competition. It suggests that failure to amass more wealth than one's parents is a threat to the family's honor.

So what if the next generation isn't so rich as the previous one? The way most of our younger people live would be the envy of 95 percent of the earth's inhabitants.

Such thinking would have been wholly foreign to the Pilgrims celebrating the "first Thanksgiving." The Pilgrims traded all the comforts of England to worship as they chose. Their ship, the Mayflower, landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1620. They held the "first Thanksgiving" the following autumn.

Mid-December is an awful time to set up shop in the New England wilderness. Disease immediately carried off more than half of the 102 colonists. They are buried on Coles Hill, right across the street from Plymouth Rock. Without the help of the Wampanoag Indians, the colony would have vanished altogether.

Things got better by 1625, prompting the colony's governor, William Bradford, to write that the Pilgrims "never felt the sweetness of the country till this year." But that hadn't stopped them from giving thanks four years earlier. The purpose was not to celebrate the good life but to celebrate their staying alive. The natives shared in the feast.

By the 1830s, America was already a bustling land of fortune building and material lust. Intellectuals of the day looked back nostalgically at the Puritan concern with unworldly matters. Ralph Waldo Emerson spoke of the Pilgrims' religious orientation as "an antidote to the spirit of commerce and of economy."

Thanksgiving is a throwback to that misty past. It requires a Zen-like acceptance of the present and what is. Gratitude is the order of the day.

This is a full-glass holiday. To be healthy, educated and living in America is to have one's cup running over. For that, let us give thanks.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

Even Murdoch's New York Post Mocks Appointment Of 'Fruitcake' RFK Jr.

Even Murdoch's New York Post Mocks Appointment Of 'Fruitcake' RFK Jr.

It takes a cracked mindset to name a cracked pot with no scientific training to head the agency that oversees 11 agencies tasked with protecting Americans' health. They include the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, Medicare and Medicaid.

Donald Trump's pick of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head Health and Human Services suggests utter lack of concern for the well-being of everyday Americans. "Bobby," as Trump affectionately calls him, could threaten cutting-edge research into cancer cures, for heaven's sake.

Trump is clearly enjoying his latest clown show, urging Bobby to "go wild on health care."

Expect Bobby and his Trump-delivered supporters to accuse scientists and public health officials of being part of some dark elite bent on forcing vaccinations. They will undoubtedly find innocent missteps during the COVID epidemic to inflate their accusations.

Believe me, the elite doesn't care. The elite — which I define not as the rich, but as the informed — know who has medical expertise, and it's not this weirdo who says that a worm has been eating his brain. The elite know to get their shots.

RFK Jr. advocates drinking raw milk, which can contain harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Go ahead. Drink raw milk if you want. Me and mine will pass.

RFK Jr. insists that current levels of fluoride in the drinking water lower IQ. Little evidence supports that, but lots of data show that fluoride reduces cavities. Trump says removing fluoride "sounds OK to me."

The New York Post has been one of Trump's bouncier cheerleaders, but it found no wit in the pick of this fruitcake to head HHS. I quote its editorial:

"We sat down with RFK Jr. back in May 2023. ... When it came to the topic (of health), his views were a head-scratching spaghetti of what we can only call warped conspiracy theories, and not just on vaccines. ... 'Pesticides, cellphones, ultrasound' could be driving an upswing in Tourette syndrome and peanut allergies. ... A radical, prolonged and confused transition ordered by a guy like RFK Jr., who will use his high office to spout his controversial beliefs, leaves a lot of room for things to go wrong — and for people to wind up harmed or even dead."

As for the latter, recall that hundreds of thousands of COVID patients died because they failed to get properly vaccinated, according to reputable studies. Who can forget the pathetic pleas of patients breathing their last breath, begging doctors for the shot and being told it was too late?

Recall how Trump downplayed the seriousness of COVID with his rancid brand of humor, his suggestions that the afflicted might find a cure swallowing a disinfectant such as bleach. He touted hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug found useless against COVID. What a card!

When Trump came down with COVID, there was no "running wild" with his care. He was airlifted to Walter Reed Hospital, where he received first-class treatment informed by the best science: Regeneron monoclonal antibodies, antiviral remdesivir, and dexamethasone, a steroid.

Forgive these suspicions that Trump takes some sadistic pleasure in exercising his power to get people to hurt themselves. But that's right up there in the malignant narcissist's playbook, and he is a textbook case.

Back to me and mine, we have every intention of ignoring the idiot who believes that Americans are being "unknowingly poisoned" by canola oil, corn oil, and sunflower oil. We have our COVID shots. We have our flu shots.

You want to take advice from a fruitcake who illegally dumped a dead bear in Central Park? Feel free. That's your right.

In Trump Part II, it's every man for himself. For women, same idea.

Froma Harrop has worked for Reuters, The New York Times News Service and the Providence Journal. She has written for such diverse publications as The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar and Institutional Investor.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

Mitch McConnell

When Should Congressional Democrats Cooperate With GOP? (Rarely)

On a recent CNN panel, a Republican strategist cited a random article from last June about liberals having established a "resistance" to a Trump second term.

"Can we just have a couple of years of peace for the Republicans and President Trump to do what they promised to do because the American people are clearly asking for it?" Scott Jennings said in a beseeching voice.

A Democratic panelist shot back with "that's rich" as another noted the outrage in 2016, when Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to let the Senate even hold hearings on Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland. McConnell insisted that the next president should make the pick when the next presidential election was almost eight months in the future.

Jennings further complained that Democrats are "working overtime to prevent the duly elected government from doing anything."

It happens that Democrats in Congress were also "duly elected." They have no obligation to prostrate themselves before Donald Trump, despite his convincing win.

But let me volunteer as referee. Democrats should pick and choose their battles. They should cooperate on matters of mutual interest. Obstructing for obstruction's sake would be bad for the party and bad for America.

They should not follow McConnell's toxic playbook from 2010, when he said, "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." That is, he wanted to block legislation for purely partisan reasons.

Complicating matters, the president-elect has a solid record of going back on his promises. As a candidate in 2016, Trump vowed to replace the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, with "something terrific." He came out with nothing terrific or even acceptable. He pushed Congress to kill it.

In the recent campaign, Trump said that Obamacare "sort of sucks" but repeated that he wouldn't end it. Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson let the cat out, saying "No Obamacare" and adding that there would be "massive" health care changes if Trump wins.

This time there won't be a John McCain to save the program with his deciding vote. And since Trump presumably wouldn't be running for president again, he would lack a political motive to protect the popular health benefit.

What he would do to the ACA is unclear. He might try a second time to simply bury the thing. Or he might get Congress to cannibalize it — to sharply reduce the subsidies but leave a near-corpse standing that Republicans could call "Obamacare."

There's about a 100 percent chance that he would not enhance the benefit. The expanded subsidies put into place during the pandemic are set to expire next year. If that happens, over 90 percent of the ACA exchange members would see their costs go up, according to KFF, a health care research group.

The money on Wall Street has voiced its opinion. "For firms offering plans in the exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act ... as well as Medicaid plans, it (a second Trump term) could be bad news," according to The Wall Street Journal.

For example, the stock of Oscar Health, which gets most of its revenues from the Obamacare marketplaces, immediately fell eight percent the morning after the election. Shares of Centene, a major Medicaid operator, were down five percent.

If Democrats want to be truly diabolical, they'll step aside and let Republicans end the program that covers some 45 million Americans. Alternatively, they could come to the rescue and force "Republicans and Trump to do what they promised to do."

The Democrats' power to greatly influence the outcome, however, depends on whether they ultimately win a House majority. Right now, that doesn't look good.

We have interesting times ahead.

Froma Harrop has worked for Reuters, The New York Times News Service and the Providence Journal. She has written for such diverse publications as The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar and Institutional Investor.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

How Did Our Land Of Plenty Become A Swamp Of Discontent?

How Did Our Land Of Plenty Become A Swamp Of Discontent?

During a visit to one of our supermarkets, a French friend looked over a long shelf of apples. Seeing several varieties piled halfway to heaven, she remarked, "This is truly the land of plenty." It truly is, but how, for so many of us, did it become the "land of discontent"?

Of course, our political battles require challengers to go on and on about how bad things are and how they can fix what ails. Gas prices are always too high. Violent crime is rampant, even in places that see almost none of it. So many voters buy into this dark vision, which is why politicians portray life in America as a daily struggle between good and evil.

But if you look at the millennia of human habitation — or even other parts of the world today — you'll see societies haunted by rape and pillage, starvation, and deadly epidemics. The Great European Famine of the 14th Century killed as much as 25 percent of some countries' population. On top of that, the bubonic plague brought death to as many as 30 million Europeans.

Modern medicine can conquer diseases that no amount of wealth or power could beat in centuries past. Small pox and polio have been largely eradicated through vaccination. Tuberculosis and typhoid fever are now highly treatable with antibiotics. So many take all this for granted.

Our recent runup in egg prices, caused largely by the bird flu, was not the calamity portrayed in some media. A dozen eggs that cost $4.75 in January 2023 were down to $2.52 a year later.

Sure, the sharp drop in the inflation rate has not restored some prices hiked by past inflation. But the bottom has hardly dropped out of the American standard of living. And since the middle of last year, average wage growth has outrun inflation.

"The Next President Inherits a Remarkable Economy," says a recent headline in The Wall Street Journal. The U.S. economy, the article declares, has been "outrunning every other major developed economy, not to mention its own historical growth rate." Through the second quarter, the American economy grew three percent. None of the next six biggest advanced countries got over one percent.

Yet 62 percent of Americans in a recent poll panned the economy as "not so good" or "poor." Donald Trump kept calling it "failing."

Factors outside of politics drum discontent into the public's head. Especially malign are social comparisons spread by advertising and social media. Those visions of early retirement on sailing yachts, winds blowing the right way, are hard to obtain even on a good middle-class income. And there's that suffocating coverage of the super-rich — of Jay Z and Beyonce's $88 million Bel-Air mansion with four swimming pools.

With more of us living isolated lives, our views distorted through social media, we are even more subject to feelings of never quite measuring up. "Inadequacy is the birthright of every American," some smart person said.

There's not much of a market to sell contentment with what we have — even if what we have dwarfs the rest of the world and most of history. Early in the last century, running water was not a given. Electricity was far from universal, even in the mansions of the Gilded Age. What average Americans back then wouldn't have done for the luxury of lighting a room with the push of a switch.

So much is better now, but sadly, Americans have been spun to feel perpetually cheated, to feel they're getting a bad deal. For so many, this land of plenty has turned into the land of discontent.

This is the month of Thanksgiving. Let's give thanks for what we have.

Follow Froma Harrop on Twitter @FromaHarrop. She can be reached at fharrop@gmail.com. To find out more about Froma Harrop and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators webpage at www.creators.com.

Donald Trump Is A (Malignant) Foreign Influence

Donald Trump Is A (Malignant) Foreign Influence

I recently spent time flying to various regions of this country and was struck by how nice almost everyone was. Whether boarding to New York, Chicago or Albuquerque, I found fellow passengers to be super polite, patient with slow movers, helpful lifting bags into the overhead. The number of racial and ethnic backgrounds sharing the aircrafts would be hard to quantify.

This is America, still, for now. But one is struck by how un-American Donald Trump is. Underneath all that flag-waving, his contempt for soldiers wounded or killed in action, the democratic process, and people of other colors violates the American ideal. His us-versus-them scapegoating comes right out of the fascist playbook.

Sociologists refer to the "other" as those not treated as part of our culture/race/religion. The people I came across on my trip treated each other with basic courtesy. Trump, frankly, is not one of us.

I yield to no one in the desire to enforce our immigration laws. Polls say most Americans know we need foreign-born workers but want them to enter the country legally. I'm with them.

Illegal border crossings are now lower than when Trump left office. And Kamala Harris says she would immediately sign into law the strict, bipartisan immigration bill that Trump had Republicans kill.

After a "comedian" at the recent Trump rally referred to Puerto Rico as "a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean," Trump offered no contradicting views, much less condemnation. The Trump camp reportedly had heard the routine in advance and had no problem with the slur on Latinos. One adds that Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens. They are all here legally.

Ronald Reagan, noting the strong work ethic and family values of the Hispanic culture, famously said: "Latinos are Republicans. They just don't know it yet."

Trump's running mate J.D. Vance would not backtrack either on the comedian's bigoted riff. "I haven't seen the joke," Vance said, lying right to our faces. He went on: "I think we have to stop getting offended by every little thing."

I wondered: Had the opposition mocked Vance's wife for being the daughter of immigrants from India whether he would have even responded, so lacking he is in self-respect. Vance and his wife, Usha, wore traditional Indian attire at a wedding ceremony officiated by a Hindu priest. He even had the dot on his forehead symbolizing a third eye.

You can imagine what MAGA would do had Kamala Harris, who is part Indian American, worn a sari, no matter how stunning, at her wedding. It would be all over the ads painting her as the "other."

Trump is OK with rich foreigners who dangle dollars before him. His most prominent billionaire backers are immigrants Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. They came to America to make a pile and did. They obviously see Trump as not only for sale but increasingly easy to manipulate as his mental capacities continue their decline. (At a recent rally, Trump said the country is "close to World War II.")

More to the point, these billionaire migrants don't appreciate the rule of law and orderly election process that have made America their land of opportunity. Or they don't really care, knowing they can move onto their next country and take their billions with them. (This is Musk's third nationality.)

Should Trump win the election, America faces descent into the kind of fascist society seen elsewhere, a shambles run on primitive threats and violence. One hopes that enough Republicans will want their party back and vision of America preserved to make him lose.

All this said, many members of Trump's brainwashed cult are undoubtedly good people. They just don't know it yet.

Froma Harrop has worked for Reuters, The New York Times News Service and the Providence Journal. She has written for such diverse publications as The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar and Institutional Investor.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

Trump Threatens The Stability Of Social Security

Trump Threatens The Stability Of Social Security

Donald Trump's tax and spending plans would add enormous amounts to the national debt, with some estimates as high as $15 trillion over a decade. But some of his tax cuts stand apart in threatening one of America's most revered programs, Social Security. They would essentially bankrupt it by 2031.

This is not some far-off worry. We're talking like six years from now. And the source of this scary news is the reliable and nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget.

How would Trump pull the legs out from under it? Start with his vow to stop taxing Social Security benefits. That sounds nice, but these taxes help fund the program. Add to that his call to exempt taxes for overtime pay and tips, further eating into Social Security payroll tax collections.

Seemingly unrelated stances would also speed up cuts in scheduled benefits. Trump's tariffs would unleash inflation, thus raising the program's cost-of-living adjustment. And his immigration plans would remove workers who pay into the system.

What a lot of people don't understand about Social Security is that there is no magical pile of government money to back up its promises. Social Security is largely self-funding by law. (Medicare is another story.) Social Security must pay for itself. Unlike the Treasury, it's not allowed to borrow.

This is how it works: Social Security payroll tax collections go into a trust fund. Any surplus funds left after benefits are disbursed get invested in special U.S. Treasury securities. These are loans to the federal government. Like other bonds, they collect interest and have to be paid back.

Foes of Social Security have long complained that general revenues are used to make good on these special Treasuries. True, but let us repeat. These securities represent loans to the government, not some new kind of spending. The Treasury must repay this debt just as it must back Treasury bonds held by China, Japan and investors all over the world. (Some on the right make the ludicrous tough-luck claim that the dough is already gone.)

The point here is that monkeying around with the flow of money going into the Social Security program is a way of deep-sixing public support for it. As president, Trump applied the same sneaky tactics in his attempt to kill the Affordable Care Act. Recall how he went repeatedly after its funding.

Shoring up Social Security will be necessary even without Trump's sabotage. The program is still forecast to be unable to meet promised payouts in 2035. But this is fixable with some overdue changes. One obvious step is raising the income level at which payroll taxes are charged. The maximum is now $168,600.

The Heritage Foundation, author of Project 2025, has an alternative plan: reduce benefits. It calls for raising the age, already hiked to 67, for collecting full benefits. So much for Americans worn out from years of hard physical labor.

Heritage also proposes lowering benefits to higher-income retirees. Two problems here. One is that, as noted, benefits to wealthier retirees are already taxed. The other is that reducing the program's value to better-off participants turns what was conceived as an earned benefit into something resembling welfare.

And there's Heritage's perennial plan to privatize the program, that is, expose beneficiaries to the whims of the stock market and other investments. Of course, no one is stopping future retirees from putting their money in stocks, crypto or trading cards. Social Security is best kept dull and simple.

Without changes in how Social Security is currently funded, benefits would be cut 23% by 2035. With Trump's tax plans, benefits would be slashed 33 percent. No two ways about it. Trump is threatening Social Security's stability.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

'Crypto Coins': Why Trump Never Stops Scamming His MAGA Flock

'Crypto Coins': Why Trump Never Stops Scamming His MAGA Flock

With the election upon us, many voters are focused on Donald Trump's unravelling mental state and his radical plans to kill off the democracy. But there should be space to recall his scams victimizing ordinary people and his joy in pulling them off. That speaks to character.

Trump's latest fishy deal involves a crypto operation. But let's start about three decades earlier, in 1995. Trump's Atlantic City casinos were going under, and he needed suckers to bail him out. He thus hawked shares of Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts.

Sophisticated investors regarded a company built on two casinos that had already gone bankrupt as an obvious loser. And so Trump turned to the chumps who bought into his rich-man, spinner-of-gold act. They put $140 million into the company and became a joke on Wall Street.

Trump was stuck with a third casino that was also failing. He persuaded Trump Hotels & Casinos Resort to take it off his hands at a grossly inflated price. By 2004, the bankers had enough and sent the company into a Chapter 11 bankruptcy. For every $10 that his marks invested at that initial public offering, they had $1 left.

Trump's explanation for the collapse in stock price should sound familiar to anyone now listening to his usual excuses: "People don't understand this company."

You heard echoes when he recently appeared before the Economic Club of Chicago. The moderator, citing The Wall Street Journal, asked him about his growing pile of campaign promises that could add almost $8 trillion to the national debt. "What does The Wall Street Journal know?" Trump responded. "They've been wrong about everything."

The year Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts filed for bankruptcy, Trump incorporated Trump University. Students fell for Trump's promise to share his tricks for building a real estate empire. (They presumably were not current on Trump's recent casino fiasco.)

Trump University was "a massive scam," according to the conservative National Review. First off, it wasn't a university. Rather it was a bait-and-switch scheme whereby students were conned into paying a typical charge of $20,000 — "ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED IN FULL" — for basically nothing. They didn't even have their picture taken with Trump, as promised. Instead, they were posed next to a cardboard cutout of him.

Trump was sued up and down and finally agreed to pay a $25 million settlement.

Trump is now trying to draw believers into his sketchy cryptocurrency company, World Liberty Financial. The clear objective is to raise a pile of money through unregistered securities offerings. The tokens are supposed to be sold only to accredited U.S. investors. But as a financial writer for New York magazine reports, "I received an email pushing me to buy them, despite having no accreditation whatsoever."

New cryptocurrency ventures put out what's called a "white paper" detailing their project. Trump calls his a "gold paper." Its cover features a portrait of a stern Donald surrounded by a blotch of what looks like melting gold.

In clear language, it piously notes that Trump, his family and Trump Organization employees may not serve as "an officer, director, founder or employee of, or manager, owner or operator of Word (they didn't bother to check for typos) Liberty Financial."

Under that is a complexly worded paragraph explaining that 75 percent of the crypto coin revenue goes to the Trump family. Trump's son Barron, who just entered NYU as a freshman, has been named one of its "Web3 Ambassadors."

If Trump has so much money, why does he run these grifts? There's a simple answer: It's a game. In his moral universe, a successful scam targeting the little people who buy your story is just good fun.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

Must We Feel Sorry For Those Who Fall For MAGA Lies?

Must We Feel Sorry For Those Who Fall For MAGA Lies?

The tricks Donald Trump tried to play on the recent hurricane victims were beyond depraved. Here were people suffering major losses, their lives stopped in a hellscape of tattered roofs, ruined possessions and, in some cases, a pile of debris where their home once stood. And there was Trump making their lives more miserable as a tactic to fool them into blaming their distress on his political foes. Could these hurricane survivors see what was being done to them?

Trump's targets this time weren't foreigners with dark skin. The migrants from Haiti knew they weren't eating people's pets. They knew they were being used as scapegoats.

By contrast, the smashed-up communities in North Carolina and Georgia are places heavy with his potential voters. How many identified the two-step dance in which Trump tried to obscure how much help was available?

Trump executed the sly trick of telling folks that FEMA is offering $750, leaving the impression that was all. The $750 was immediate help to cover essentials like food, diapers and water. FEMA could also provide $42,000 or more for home repairs and other services. Trump left that out.

He sported with the lie that Joe Biden hadn't reached out to Georgia's Gov. Brian Kemp. Kemp said he had initially missed a call from Biden, and when they connected, the president just said, "Hey, what do you need?" And Kemp wasn't the only state and local Republican trying to stop the sick games being played on his constituents.

Chuck Edwards, a North Carolina Republican representing hard-hit mountain areas, had to put out a press release denouncing the hoaxes and conspiracy theories being spread about the FEMA response. Trump wasn't the source of all of them, but he did nothing to dissuade his ally Elon Musk from letting his lies and other misinformation spread like mold on his X social media site.

It wasn't true, as Trump insisted, that FEMA was out of money because it had been spent on housing illegal migrants. Nor did he counter dangerous rumors of unclear origin. They were useful, after all.

And no, FEMA was not confiscating the properties of hurricane survivors who applied for disaster assistance when their homes were deemed unlivable.

In a social media post, Trump said of North Carolina, "I'll be there shortly, but don't like the reports that I'm getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas." Totally made up.

FEMA workers were bombarded with threats. The absolute bottom was hit when a 44-year-old man in North Carolina, brandishing a rifle and handgun, menaced FEMA employees trying to help distressed residents. This reminded some of the terrible old days when urban gang members would shoot at firefighters trying to save lives.

There have always been creeps who use disasters to con victims of their money or sadistically inflict more pain. What's new is that one of the creeps is now a former president running for another term.

When you surrender to the MAGA media bubble, you don't get to choose which items confirm your prejudices, which ones hurt you in service of making you mad at people Trump wants you to be mad at. Some may wake up to the cruel manipulation. Others will be victims to the end.

Which brings up a consideration that may sound ungenerous, but here goes: If some of the hurricane victims don't obtain available help because they've chosen to believe MAGA and its media allies, must others feel sorry for them?

We don't have to answer. It may be sufficient to simply note that some people just can't be helped.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.