Jeb Bush has officially reached the most desperate step for his presidential campaign: Bringing out his mom, former First Lady Barbara Bush, to tell the public what a good boy he is.
“‘Cause I love my son and I know that America needs him. He’s honest, dependable, loyal — relatively funny! Good looking, but funny,” she said effusively. “He’s got the same values that America seems to have lost.”
And she added: “He’s almost too polite. I don’t advise him, but if I gave him advice: I would say, ‘Why don’t you interrupt like the other people do?'”
“I’ve gotten better at interrupting, mom,” Jeb said. “Come on.”
Jeb’s mom kept on going.
“He’s so polite. We brought him up that way,” Mrs. Bush responded. “And he does not brag like some people we know.”
“Who are you talking about?” Norah O’Donnell asked, in an obviously deadpan tone.
“I can’t remember,” Barbara sarcastically responded.
“You can say it,” Jeb chimed in.
O’Donnell asked: “Do you think someone else that is running for president is bragging too much?”
“I’m not getting into a spitting match with him,” Barbara replied. “He can spit further than I can.”
So basically, Jeb has brought in his mom to stand up to the schoolyard bully for him — but she also says that she won’t actually do it directly.
Video viaCBS This Morning.