Endorse This: ‘Morning Joe’ Vs. Ben Carson

Endorse This: ‘Morning Joe’ Vs. Ben Carson


Ben Carson has come under fire recently for claims he’s made about his life story that may not have been entirely true. And it’s not as though this is all coming from far-left conspiracy mongers. The latest barrage is from a veritable spokesman for the conventional wisdom: MSNBC’s own former GOP congressman, Joe Scarborough.

Joe called to task all his conservative admirers — who were praising him last week, after he went on a tear against supposed liberal media bias — to listen to him now, as he chewed out the GOP frontrunner in merciless fashion.

“This morning, I’m telling the truth to Ben Carson: You’re lying, and you need to come out front, and you need to admit it,” Scarborough said. “Because it’s only gonna get worse from here.”

Video viaMorning Joe/MSNBC.

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