#EndorseThis: Borat Returns To Troll Dick Cheney And Pro-Torture Republicans

American film audiences often fail to get the joke but laugh anyway. That’s why Spinal Tap and the Blues Brothers each became popular touring bands, why The Great White Hype is treated like a loving ode to the boxing industry, and why Borat is viewed as a slapstick comedy instead of the amazing political satire that it is.
The film’s star and creator Sacha Baron Cohen understands the significance of his art form. That’s why his latest resurrection of the character is not focused on sight gags, but on the American political landscape.
Little else is known about Cohen’s new project, slated to premiere on Showtime in mid-July. This teaser clip from Cohen’s Twitter account features Borat’s unmistakable voice asking for an autograph from none other than GOP icon Dick Cheney.
Borat is always funny to listen to. But the former Bush VP’s behavior in the clip may send a chill up your spine.
Click for creepy time, eh?
— Sacha Baron Cohen (@SachaBaronCohen) July 8, 2018