As we head into Super Tuesday, one topic dominated the late night shows: Republican frontrunner Donald Trump’s descent into fascism and the adoration of hate groups.
Trevor Noah listed the defining features of fascism: “a cult of action; a celebration of aggressive masculinity; an intolerance of criticism, a fear of difference and outsiders; intense nationalism; and resentment at national humiliation. Now it’s hard to keep all those things in mind, but I’ve come up with a handy mnemonic device — you just listen to things said by Donald Trump.”
Trevor also looked at the evolution of Marco Rubio in this campaign — into a pseudo-Trump trying to take on The Donald by telling dick-jokes.
Larry Wilmore highlighted the latest deep low of this campaign: a Secret Service agent choking a reporter and slamming him to the ground at a Trump rally — to which Trump’s fans at Breitbart.com selectively edited out a still frame to depict the reporter as assaulting the agent.
Seth Meyers explained Trump’s double-talk on disavowing support from David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan: “Of course, Trump has disavowed David Duke and the KKK now — because he’s already accomplished what he set out to. Even racists know you have to pretend not to be racist in public. Trump lets just enough racism slip, that racists can listen to him and think, ‘Oh yeah, he’s our guys.'”
Stephen Colbert highlighted Trump saying he needed more information before commenting on these people: “Yeah, Trump needs to know before condemning David Duke or the KKK — it’s not like they’re Muslim or born in Mexico.”