Gaetz Ethics Report To Be Released -- So Mattie-Poo Threw A Tantrum

Rep. Matt Gaetz
Just in time for Christmas…or maybe New Years…there will be an extra-special present under the tree for followers of the many, many, many sex scandals of our favorite Florida ex-Congressman, Matt Gaetz. CNN reported today that the House Ethics Committee voted earlier this month to release the ethics report on Senor Sexcapade.
The report is supposed to be made public after the House casts its final vote before Christmas, which may come later this week…if Speaker Johnson can get off his knees from praying that Donald Trump will leave him the fuck alone and let him get a Continuing Resolution passed, a deal that has been in the works for weeks and was scheduled to be voted on by Friday.
But noooooooo. The newly-hatched Terrible Awful Disgusting Out-of-Control Duo of Donald Trump and Elon Musk today decided that the Johnson bill should be killed and were crowing on social media by this evening that the compromise negotiated between Republicans and Democrats to extend funding for the government until March was dead. Trump also threw in a demand that the debt ceiling be raised in early January so it would happen on “Joe Biden’s watch” according to reports late today.
In the middle of all this, with a government shutdown looming and two days to pass something new to avert the United States government being closed over the Christmas holidays, came the news that the gooey details on Matt Gaetz uncovered by the Ethics Committee will be made public. Gaetz resigned from Congress in mid-November in a bid to keep the House ethics report from being released and muddy up the already churning waters of his impending Senate confirmation to be the next Attorney General.
Gaetz withdrew his nomination when whispers about what might be revealed in the ethics report began spreading through Capitol Hill. This left Gaetz totally dangling, without his seat in the House that might have given him more power to influence the Republican members of the ethics committee.
So, what did Matt do yesterday? Why, he took to X to whine about how unfair it all is, that’s what he did. “I was charged with nothing: FULLY EXONERATED. Not even a campaign finance violation. And the people investigating me hated me.”
“The very ‘witnesses’ DOJ deemed not-credible were assembled by House Ethics to repeat their claims absent any cross-examination or challenge from me or my attorneys. I’ve had no chance to ever confront any accusers. I’ve never been charged. I’ve never been sued. Instead, House Ethics will reportedly post a report online that I have no opportunity to debate or rebut as a former member of the body.”
That would be the “DOJ” Gaetz had been tapped to head up as Attorney General, at least until he wasn’t.
But Gaetz had an explanation, or a plea, or an excuse, or a something anyway, that he apparently thought will soften the blow when the report comes out. It seems that a more youthful version of the same twisted sicko he is today did some bad things he now wishes he hadn’t done.
“In my single days, I often sent funds to women I dated - even some I never dated but who asked.”
Did he ever. The Washington Post reported in late November that the House Ethics Committee had seen Venmo records showing that Gaetz had paid “more than $10,000 to two women who testified before the committee.” That would be the “witnesses” Gaetz found it necessary to put in quotes in his X post today. “Some payments were for sex, the witnesses testified to the committee,” the Post reported.
But let’s listen to the whining still emanating from Gaetz’ post on X:
“I dated several of these women for years. I NEVER had sexual contact with someone under 18. Any claim that I have would be destroyed in court -- which is why no such claim was ever made in court.”
Gaetz had plenty of opportunities to take the claims against him to court – with a lawsuit for defamation – but for some reason known only to Mattie-poo, he didn’t. Gee, I wonder why? Here’s Gaetz with his big wrap up, as of this morning:
“My 30’s were an era of working very hard – and playing hard too. It’s embarrassing, though not criminal, that I probably partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I should have earlier in life. I live a different life now.”
Got that? Probably? Gaetz was walking around the floor of the House showing porno party-pics and bragging about his sexual conquests, apparently right up until he tied the knot.
A 2021 report on Wonkette gives you an idea of the probably playing hard that was going on, even in Gaetz’s office on Capitol Hill:
“A Hill source sent The Daily Beast a photo of a trash bin outside Gaetz’s office as lawmakers cleared out their offices at the end of a recent session. At the top of the heap was an empty Costco-size box of "Bareskin" Trojan condoms.”
Late this afternoon, Newsweek reported that Gaetz is “threatening to ‘expose’ the supposed ‘me too’ settlements of his former colleagues after the House Ethics Committee voted to release a report on its investigation of sexual misconduct accusations.”
At least one person is coming to his aid: Marjorie Taylor Greene. She released this statement late today: “If Congress is going to release one ethics report, they should release them all. I want to see the Epstein list. I want to see the details of the slush fund for sexual misconduct by members of Congress and Senators. I want to see it all.”
I don’t know for sure, so I’m going to just take a wild guess here, but I rather doubt there are many in the Republican Caucus in the House who “want to see it all.”
It’s the “all” about Gaetz himself that promises to be a thrill-ride if and when the ethics report finally sees the light of day. The House committee apparently took testimony from one witness who saw Gaetz having sex with a 17-year-old girl against the side of a pool table at a party. The committee heard more testimony that Gaetz was partial to drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy and used them with women whom he was paying for sex.
But not to worry: Gaetz assures us he was just “dating” the women to whom he “sent funds.”
Let us not forget that this man who has been credibly accused of having sex with an underage girl, paying for sex with women he flew to the Bahamas, and using drugs with prostitutes was nominated by Donald Trump to be the chief law enforcement officer in the land.
I guess the way things are going, we’ll have plenty of time to read the Ethics Committee report when the government is shut down over Christmas on the orders of Donald Trump and Elon Musk, because, you know, two civilians can just shut down the government anytime they want with the Republican Party in control of the House.
Oh, boy, are we in for a treat when Trump moves into the White House and Republicans are in control of both houses of Congress and Elon Musk is floating around Washington D.C. in a cloud of Ketamine helping decide what kind of a country we’re going to have.
Reprinted with permission from Lucian Truscott Newsletter.
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