Tag: trump failure
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden with soccer players Megan Rapinoe and Margaret Purce

Younger Voters Favor Biden And Democrats By Historic Margins

Reprinted with permission from American Independent

A new poll of younger voters reveals that they strongly back President Joe Biden and the Democratic congressional majority, while more than two-thirds of them disapprove of congressional Republicans.

For 21 years, the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School has surveyed young Americans through its Harvard Youth Poll. The results of its spring 2021 poll, released Friday, reveal adults under age 30 "overwhelmingly approve of the job President Biden is doing, favor progressive policies, and have faith in their fellow Americans."

Three-fifths of voters aged 18-29 approve of Biden's overall job performance, 59 percent to 38 percent — slightly higher even than President Barack Obama's numbers in the institute's 2009 poll.

Among college students who are registered to vote, 63 percent approve of Biden's performance, a higher level of support than any attained in the poll by George W. Bush, Obama, or Donald Trump.

The results show growing support for progressive policies, including double-digit increases over the past five years in support for climate action, government spending to reduce poverty, and universal health care. Young voters identify with the Democratic Party over the Republican Party by a 41 percent to 22 percent plurality; 40 percent say they lean more liberal, contrasted with 27 percent who lean more conservative.

While just 36 percent of participants say they consider themselves "politically engaged or politically active," 41 percent say they will definitely vote in the 2022 midterms, and another 19 percent say they'll probably do so.

This would be good news for the Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate. Younger voters approve of Democrats in Congress by a 52-45 percent majority, while they disapprove of congressional Republicans by a 69-28 percent supermajority. By a 53-14 percent spread, they view the Republican Party as "too extreme."

They also say they have an unfavorable view of Trump, by a 65-28 percent margin; 54 percent say that history should evaluate Trump as a "bad president," "terrible president," or the "worst president ever," while just 26 percent say he should be deemed "good" or better.

This growing progressive sentiment among younger votes comes as young people have taken the lead on issues of racial justice, climate action, and gun safety — and been attacked by prominent Republicans for doing so.

Trump and his team repeatedly bullied teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg, raging after she was named Time magazine's Person of the Year. Trump said the then-16-year-old in December 2019 had "anger management" issues and needed to "chill."

Last October, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) attacked David Hogg, a 20-year-old survivor of the 2018 mass shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida, and an activist against gun violence, calling him "functionally illiterate" for criticizing Trump's separation of immigrant kids from their families.

In January, footage resurfaced of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) confronting Hogg in March 2019, accusing him of "using kids" to "attack the Second Amendment" and branding him a "coward" for not responding to her taunts.

Republican lawmakers around the country have also sought to suppress student voting by shutting down early voting sites on campuses, refusing to accept student IDs as valid for voter identification, and prohibiting students from registering at their college addresses.

Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.

coronavirus deaths

'Never Had To Be Like This’: US Marks 300,000 Virus Deaths

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

On the same day the first American received a coronavirus vaccine, the U.S. pandemic death toll surpassed 300,000 on Monday, another grim milestone that comes less than four weeks after the number of Covid-19 deaths in the country reached 250,000.

The Associated Press put the staggering statistics into context: "The number of dead rivals the population of St. Louis or Pittsburgh. It is equivalent to repeating a tragedy on the scale of Hurricane Katrina every day for 5 1/2 months. It is more than five times the number of Americans killed in the Vietnam War. It is equal to a 9/11 attack every day for more than 100 days."

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Donald Trump, pandemic

New Must-Read Report Details Each Lethal Step In Trump’s Pandemic Response

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

President Donald Trump and his allies continue to insist that he has handled the coronavirus pandemic remarkably well, claiming that the death count from COVID-19 would be much higher in the United States if he hadn't been so proactive and quick to respond to the crisis. But such claims are ludicrous, as Trump seriously downplayed the threat back in January and February and even described it as a Democratic "hoax." And journalist William Saletan, in an in-depth "blow-by-blow account" for Slate, argues that "tens of thousands" of American lives could have been saved if Trump had done a better job handling the crisis.

"The story the president now tells — that he 'built the greatest economy in history,' that China blindsided him by unleashing the virus, and that Trump saved millions of lives by mobilizing America to defeat it — is a lie," Saletan emphasizes. "Trump collaborated with [Chinese President] Xi [Jinping], concealed the threat, impeded the U.S. government's response, silenced those who sought to warn the public, and pushed states to take risks that escalated the tragedy. He's personally responsible for tens of thousands of deaths."

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