A White Nationalist Website Is Sponsoring An RNC Rally Featuring Trump Surrogates

A White Nationalist Website Is Sponsoring An RNC Rally Featuring Trump Surrogates

Published with permission from Media Matters for America.

The white nationalist website Eternal Sentry is sponsoring an upcoming pro-Trump “unity rally” with longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone and several Trump surrogates. Eternal Sentry is a self-described “altright” website that features racist and anti-Semitic material, repeatedly warns about “White Genocide,” and is produced by a Trump activist who said whites need to “fight back” against African-Americans and “send them back to the mud-huts they so desperately and obviously desire.”

Citizens for Trump and Roger Stone will host the “America First Unity Rally” in Cleveland on July 18, coinciding with the first day of the Republican National Convention. The event will also feature Trump surrogates Darrell Scott and Diamond & Silk.

Conspiracy theorist radio host Alex Jones will also speak and his website Infowars.com is sponsoring the event. The Trump ally has told his radio audience to give the Stone rally — which was previously billed as a “Stop the Steal” rally prior to Trump becoming the presumptive nominee — “their time, their energy, and their money” and said “everybody’s got to book to be there now. This is history.”

The Eternal Sentry website is produced by Paul Chambers, according to his LinkedIn profile and Facebook account. Chambers is also the “Content Creation Team Director” for Citizens for Trump.

Chambers has posted white nationalist content on Facebook. (Citizens for Trump links to his Facebook account on its staff page, and Eternal Sentry links to the public Facebook group Ending Cultural Marxism, where Chambers frequently posts racist commentary.) He’s claimed that it’s “time for the white man to protect his interest and ONLY his interests,” and whites need “to take our country back for ourselves and send them [African-Americans] back to the mud-huts they so desperately and obviously desire”:

  • March 27: “This year white students will only be 40% starting in elementary schools, next year lower, and on and on…The white race is only the first to be sacrificed, they will decimate any race, religion, or creed that stands in their way!”
  • April 13: “Ladies and gentleman, the fall of western societies will usher in the return of tribalism and barbarism. It is time for the white man to protect his interest and ONLY his interests. Whites cannot afford to continue to fund their own genocide!”
  • June 28, responding to actor Jesse Williams’ BET Awards speech: “Last I checked nothing is stopping them from going to their black utopias in Africa? Even after 8.4 TRILLION dollars in extortion (welfare) payments there are still hundreds of thousands of white refugees that have had to ESCAPE the violence perpetrated on them by black violence in US cities, it’s time to fight back white people, our generosity has reached its limit and NO amount of political correctness is going to protect us from their threats of black violence and terrorism in the streets! It’s time to take our country back for ourselves and send them back to the mud-huts they so desperately and obviously desire!”

Eternal Sentry states that it was created “to refute” “atheism, multiculturalism, feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism, and abortion, post-colonialism that encompasses globalism, collectivism, elitism, and environmentalism, neo-progressivism that encompasses political correctness, and identity politics. …  Eternal Sentry mans the ramparts to fend off the hordes not for a single race, creed, or religion but to throw off the barbarism that was hard won during the American Revolution and now seeks to return in this fiendish new form.”

Eternal Sentry states on its Twitter account that it is an “#Altright #ANTIglobalist #Tradtionalist [sic] #Native website.” The Southern Poverty Law Center notes that “Alt-Right is a loose set of far-right ideologies at the core of which is a belief that ‘white identity’ is under attack through policies prioritizing multiculturalism, political correctness and social justice and must be preserved, usually through white-identified online communities and physical ethno-states.” The Anti-Defamation League similarly states that alt-right “encompasses a range of people on the extreme right who reject mainstream conservatism in favor of forms of conservatism that embrace implicit or explicit racism or white supremacy.”

Eternal Sentry has repeatedly posted racist white nationalist content on its website and social media accounts.

The group’s Facebook page posted an image on May 26 warning that white people are being turned “into the minority” and “‘diversity’ is just their code word for White Genocide.”

It also posted a Facebook image claiming “Multiculturalism, atheism, environmentalism, feminism, globalism, homosexual ‘marriage’, transgenderism, and abortion all have the same goal…White Genocide.”

Eternal Sentry’s YouTube account, which is linked to from its homepage, includes a playlist called “Jews.” The playlist contains a virulently anti-Semitic video headlined, “What World-famous Men have said About the Jews.” A description for the video, created by a user named “chim ham,” states that it explains “Jews have not changed since the days when Jesus Christ took up a whip and drove ‘the money changers out of the Temple,’” and “They will always ban together to drive Gentile competitors out of business.” It then accused Jewish people of being “the only racial group totally organized to work for political domination over America.” From the video description:

The Jews claim that they are “only” a religion. The truth is that the Jews are a RACE. Less than 30% are members of any Synagogue. Whether they are Orthodox religious, atheists, capitalists or communists — they still claim to be Jews — members of the Jewish race! Every race has inherited traits. In the case of the Jews they include trading, money-changing, usury, and a loathing for “productive labor” which is scorned as beneath the dignity of the Jews in their “bible” called “THE TALMUD.”

The Jews have not changed since the days when Jesus Christ took up a whip and drove “the money changers out of the Temple.” Jews have always united to form monopolies. Today they control all the department store chains and specialty shops along with the lucrative jewelry and animal fur trade. Jews dominate the fields of all precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, tin, lead, etc. They will always ban together to drive Gentile competitors out of business.

Today America is being flooded with Jewish immigrants from Russia and even 20,000 per year leave Israel for the U. S. — all with dollar signs in their eyes. Jews have used their vaunted money-power to seize control of the Democratic Party and constitute over 50% of all its financial contributions. Today they are buying up more and more major U. S. companies. While only 3% of the population, the Jews control over 25% of the nation’s wealth and this percentage rises every year. They are the only racial group totally organized to work for political domination over America.

Opposition to the Jews did not begin in Germany but dates back before the birth of Christ over 2,000 years ago! Study the statements made by “The world’s greatest men.” They reveal why the “wandering Jews” have made enemies out of every host country that ever accepted them.

Eternal Sentry also reposted a piece by an author for the site “Angry White Dude” which attacked “RINOs oriented to Jewish group agendas. Where the gentile RINO is just a used car salesman saying and doing whatever nets him the most profit — at the expense of normal white Westerners — the neoconservative uses right-wing rhetoric while advocating whatever ‘good for the Jews’ — at the expense of normal white Westerners.”

White nationalist groups and leaders have celebrated Trump’s presidential campaign and used his candidacy to recruit followers, fundraise, and spread their message. The Trump campaign has had a series of troubling interactions with the white nationalist movement, including giving a white nationalist radio host press credentials, failing to condemn their actions, and tweeting or retweeting white nationalists and images created by racists.

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