Endorse This: Donald Trump — Not Safe For Work!

Endorse This: Donald Trump — Not Safe For Work!


Donald Trump has achieved a great milestone for all presidential candidates: He’s made vulgarity on the campaign trail mainstream.

At a rally Monday night in New Hampshire — on the eve of the state’s primary — The Donald went on a tear against Ted Cruz, when a female audience member yelled out a very choice obscenity against the Texas senator.

“She just said a terrible thing. You know what she said?” Trump said, in mock outrage — before he then asked the woman to say it again! “Shout it out, ’cause I don’t’ want to say.”

As she yelled it out, the whole crowd cheered. Trump smiled, and then kept on going with this fun little development.

“Heh, okay, you’re not allowed to say — and I never expect to hear that from you again. She said — and I never expect to hear that from you again!” he scolded. “She said he’s a pussy. That’s terrible, terrible!”

As the crowd kept cheering, The Donald continued.

“What kind of people do I have here? Okay, what do I have?” He then recounted the tale of a past campaign event, where the press raked him for an audience member who said President Obama was a secret Muslim.

“So you remember when not so long ago, not so far from here, I had a group of people, we were doing question and answer. And somebody came up with a pretty tough statement about Obama — and the press got pretty angry, because I didn’t defend the president. Remember? I took a lot of heat, and I didn’t reprimand the person that said it.

“So I want to just tell you right now, Ma’am, you’re reprimanded, okay? Can she stay?! Can she stay?” he rhetorically asked, as the crowd roared with approval. “You’re reprimanded. So, for the press, this is a serious reprimand, just so the press knows.”

And just think: He’s very likely going to win the New Hampshire primary tonight. Then it’s on to South Carolina!

Video via Reuters.

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