When Chris Wallace mocked pro-Trump partisans for declaring the Mueller investigation over, maybe it was a fluke. When Tucker Carlson rattled the GOP for campaigning against Hillary Clinton in present-day, maybe that was a freak.
But a trio of Fox News anchors going rogue and hitting Trump hard, all in a week’s time? That, friends, is a trend.
Neil Cavuto is the latest to start slipping off the Trump bandwagon, nailing the POTUS for reversing himself on the Stormy Daniels affair and offering only sleaze in a legal team and cabinet. “Let’s be clear, Mr. President,” Cavuto begins in his typical pompous style. “How can you drain the swamp if you’re the one that keeps muddying the waters? You didn’t know about the $130,000 payment to a porn star until you did.”
After a quick recap of some of 45’s biggest distortions, manipulations and petty lies, Cavuto lays down the coup de grace.
Play for another Fox News surprise.