A century-old Wisconsin newspaper recently launched an unapologetically honest takedown of Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson after he announced he'll seek reelection despite promising to serve only two terms. The popular newspaper is begging Republicans to primary him.
"Ron Johnson is a virus that infects the Wisconsin GOP," The Capital Timeswrites of the "political careerist who has become known nationally as the U.S. Capitol’s primary purveyor of conspiracy theories about the coronavirus pandemic." Johnson, they add, is a "charlatan" and "a delusional huckster who recommends fighting COVID-19 with Listerine." The paper would go to label Johnson as a "political grifter" who "serves as little more than a placeholder for his chief benefactor, defeated former President Donald Trump."
The paper also believes Johnson to not be Republican but rather a Trump Republican (or "Trumplican").
"Ron Johnson is not a Wisconsin Republican. He’s a Trump Republican, and he could care less about what Wisconsin Republicans think, or about the future of their party. That was obvious in the scandal-plagued senator’s decision of where to announce his reelection run: on the opinion pages of the New York City-based Wall Street Journal."
The Capital Times seems to reflect the mindset of the people of Wisconsin who grow increasingly frustrated with the grifting Trumplican. While the senator grips on to loony conspiracies and parroting Trump election lies, several high-profile Democrats are vying for the chance to take him on, including Wisconsin Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes