Tag: confederate flags
Donald Trump interview with Chris Wallace, confederate flag

Trump Defends Confederate Flag In Fox Interview

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

If you have difficulty getting through interviews with Donald Trump. Brace yourself for his latest. On Fox News Sunday, Trump discussed a variety of topics with host Chris Wallace this morning including his take on the Confederate flag. Not only did he defend his stance against removing Confederate symbols and statutes throughout the country, but he added the flag did not offend him because it serves as a representation of the South—once again failing to acknowledge its racist history.

"When people proudly hang their Confederate flags, they're not talking about racism. They love their flag, it represents the South," Trump said. He even had the audacity to attempt to compare it to movements against racial injustice.

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confederate flag

To Defy Trump On Confederate Flag, Pentagon Used Loophole

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

President Donald Trump, in an obvious effort to rally his MAGA base, has been vigorously defending the display of Confederate images. But on Friday, the Pentagon officially listed what types of flags can be displayed on U.S. military installations — and the Confederate flag, according to New York Times reporter Helene Cooper, does not appear to be allowed.

Cooper reports that under the "guidance" issued by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, "appropriate flags include those of American states and territories, military services and other countries that are allies of the United States. The guidance never specifically says that Confederate flags are banned, but they do not fit in any of the approved categories."

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Confederate, slavery

Tearing Down Symbols Of Slavery And Treason

Suddenly confronted with the enduring realities of racism in our time, white Americans are looking back at the history we have too often forgotten — and the ways that our amnesia has distorted the nation's culture. Now we have arrived at a time for remembrance, and reckoning.

Perhaps the most damning proof of our neglect over the past century or more are the flags, monuments and other remnants of the old Confederacy displayed all over the country. While the pressure of the moment is prompting institutions as diverse as universities, city governments and even NASCAR to remove those stains from our public life, the usual suspects are defending them, led by President Donald Trump, the clown who proclaims his superiority to Abraham Lincoln.

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#EndorseThis: Lincoln Project Burns Flag Of Treason (And Trump)

#EndorseThis: Lincoln Project Burns Flag Of Treason (And Trump)

The dissident Republicans of the Lincoln Project -- including George Conway III, Rick Wilson, John Weaver, and Steve Schmidt -- have produced several of this cycle's most compelling political ads. These Never Trumpers know how to go negative.

Their latest effort punctures the antebellum pretensions of those Trumpsters (and outright fascists) who strut around with the Stars and Bars. It is, as perhaps they should have acknowledged years ago, the banner of treason -- and now even NASCAR admits that it must go. Only Trump still defends it.

This ad is short but pithy. Enjoy it patriotically.

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