Tag: swing state polls
Donald Trump

Polls Show Trump Struggling In Eight Swing States

Polls released this week showed Donald Trump trailing behind former Vice President Joe Biden in all eight swing states — some of which he won by a large margin in the presidential election four years ago.

In Iowa, a Monmouth University poll released Wednesday showed Biden leading Trump among likely voters 50 percent to 47 percent, compared with last month's poll in which Trump led by 3 percent. Among registered voters, Trump has a slight advantage with 48 percent to Biden's 47 percent.

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Donald Trump

Nearly Every Poll Shows Trump Trailing In Key Swing States

Three states that narrowly swung from Barack Obama in 2012 to Donald Trump in 2016 seem likely to swing back in 2020. Polling currently gives a consistent and solid lead to Democrat Joe Biden in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Should Biden carry all three of these swing states and keep all of the states Hillary Clinton won in 2016, he will win an Electoral College majority and the presidency.

According to RealClear Politics' polling average, Biden currently enjoys a 4-point lead in Pennsylvania, a 6.4-point lead in Michigan, and a 6.7-point lead in Wisconsin.

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Joe Biden

Swing State Polls Show Promise And Pitfalls For Biden

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

Although President Donald Trump is unlikely to win the popular vote in the 2020 election, liberal/progressive filmmaker and activist Michael Moore is warning — rightly so — that Trump could pull off another victory in the Electoral College if former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign doesn't pay close attention to key swing states. The documentarian warned presciently in 2016 that Trump could win Rust Belt states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin — precisely the states that secured his victory.

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