Trump Made One Honest Remark At Nevada Rally -- And Media Missed It

Donald Trump's Las Vegas rally on Sunday included his typical MAGA hallmarks: vastly overstated attendance, incoherent rambling about electric boats and sharks, and an almost unbroken stream of false claims about his accomplishments in the White House.
But he also did something unusual. Between his lies about the Black unemployment rate, jobs created under President Joe Biden, and his calling fallen veterans “suckers” and “losers,” Trump slipped in a moment of truth.
After appearing to express concern about his supporters broiling in the triple-digit heat, Trump quickly made it clear that their health wasn’t his concern.
“We need every voter. I don’t care about you. I just want your vote,” he said.
Trump followed this up by saying that the media would jump on this statement.
“See now,” Trump said, “the press will take that and they’ll say ‘he said a horrible thing.’”
But that was also a lie, since the press is long past actually reporting what Trump says at his rallies.
As might be expected, Fox News doesn't mention the statement and instead focuses on how Trump is promising that he won’t charge taxes on tips. Apparently, the solution to America’s tipping problem is to encourage more tipping.
Buf if Fox didn’t acknowledge Trump’s “I don’t care about you” sentiment, surely CNN would, right? Wrong. CNN’s coverage of the rally consisted of a lengthy article that only cites the same line about tipping.
Similarly, neither The Washington Postnor The New York Times mentioned the comment in their reporting.
And none of them discussed what has become, believe it or not, a standard part of Trump's rally speech for months:
You might think that, over the course of his campaign, someone might have pointed out to Trump that electric boats are common, from massive and pricey yachts all the way down to the electric trolling motors used by many fishers. But then again, why bother introducing reality into Trump’s rallies now?
Even if the media refuses to cover Trump’s usual bits, it might seem that at least one corporate outlet would cover the part of the speech where Trump reads items from a Cheesecake Factory menu.
Trump’s rally speeches never get any better or make any more sense. In fact, they seem to make less sense over time as he forgets key portions of his stories and wanders into pointless asides. But it doesn’t matter, because 99 percent of what’s said gets left on the cutting room floor by a media that seems dedicated to cherry-picking sentence fragments to make Trump seem halfway intelligible.
The actual speech wasn’t just filled with moments like battery vs. shark, but it also consisted of a series of false claims that went unchecked and uncorrected in national media coverage.
At least the Nevada Current did a decent job reporting on Trump’s staggering list of lies and some of his jaw-dropping moments of dissonance.
“You’re headed to World War III. You are closer now to World War III than you’ve ever been, and this is no longer army tanks going back and forth shooting—World War II, World War … There are nuclear weapons the likes of which and the power of which has never, ever been seen before. So again I want to thank you all. I want to thank all the celebrities for being here. We have great celebrities.”
Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.
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