Tag: judge jackson
Endorse This: Possible Reasons Why Republicans Walked Out After Jackson's Confirmation

Endorse This: Possible Reasons Why Republicans Walked Out After Jackson's Confirmation

History was made yesterday after the first African-American woman was confirmed to the highest court in the land, no thanks to crusty, old, and totally out-of-touch racist Republicans. Once Vice-President Kamala Harris read the final votes that secured Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson's seat on the Supreme Court, you could hear the entire chamber erupt in a raucous celebration.

Even Mitt Romney, one of the whitest white guys imaginable, had enough decency to vote in favor of the qualified judge and applaud during the historic moment. But then a handful of the more notoriously vile Senate Republicans (ahem, Ted Cruz) who made a disgrace out of her confirmation hearings, shamelessly voted against Judge Jackson, and at last even more shamelessly walked out of the Senate chamber like a bunch of drama queen Karens.

So we thought it would be funny to speculate as to why Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, and others walked out during an otherwise beautiful and historic moment.

1. Mitch McConnell hates to leave Big Oil lobbyists waiting too long

2. They didn't want to be late for a white nationalist rally

3. Ted Cruz was due back early at the zoo

4. Lindsey Graham just remembered he left his spine at Mar-A-Lago

5. Josh Hawley forgot he left the constitution burning on the stove

Michael Hayne is a comedian, writer, voice artist, podcaster, and impressionist. Follow his work on Facebook and TikTok

Polls Show GOP Attacks On Judge Jackson Got No Traction

Polls Show GOP Attacks On Judge Jackson Got No Traction

Senate Republicans have spent the past several weeks levying false attacks against Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden's nominee for the Supreme Court. But a new poll indicates the smears have not convinced the vast majority of American voters — two-thirds of whom back her confirmation.

A Marquette Law School poll released Wednesday found 66 percent of the nation's adults said they would vote to confirm Jackson — who would become the first Black woman in U.S. history to serve on the high court — if they were members of the Senate. Interestingly, 64 percent of poll respondents who were surveyed before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings began said they supported Jackson's confirmation, compared to 72 percent of poll respondents who were interviewed after the hearings began.

"It is an interesting and meaningful result given that some of the initial criticism before she was picked was, 'Why is Biden narrowing the field to just this demographic group?'" polling director Charles Franklin told USA Today. "Our evidence, at least, is that it certainly looks like a little bit of a net positive."

This poll matches the results of other recent polls, which indicated that Jackson is one of the most popular Supreme Court nominees in decades.

GOP senators started attacking Jackson's record as a judge and lawyer soon after Biden nominated her to the high court in February.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham first criticized Biden for picking someone who attended Harvard Law School, objecting to the fact that eight of the nine current justices earned law degrees from Harvard and Yale Universities — though he had himself voted to confirm six of them.

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley began pushing widely debunked claims that "Judge Jackson has a pattern of letting child porn offenders off the hook for their appalling crimes, both as a judge and as a policymaker" and that she showed an "alarming trend of lenient sentencing." As Missouri's attorney general, Hawley had agreed to a plea deal in at least one sex crime case that allowed a sheriff to avoid any jail time.

Republicans then used the very same "embarrassing antics" at Jackson's confirmation hearings to try to undermine her nomination that they had previously decried and vowed not to use.

Specifically complaining that Jackson — like GOP nominees before her — refused to weigh in on policy questions that are up to Congress, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, said last Thursday that he "cannot and will not support Judge Jackson for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court."

Minority Whip John Thune, Republican Conference Chair John Barrasso, Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall, Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse, and Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker have also announced their intention to vote no.

So far, only one Republican — Maine Sen. Susan Collins — has indicated her support for Jackson.

Thune (R-SD) toldThe Hill on Wednesday that he does not expect Jackson to get more than one or two more GOP votes. "I think the universe of votes that she could get in the Senate among Republicans is probably similar to what happened in the appeals court," he said, referencing the three Republican votes she received in June 2021.

The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote next Monday to advance Jackson's nomination to the full Senate.

Reprinted with permission from American Independent

#Endorse This: Jimmy Kimmel Gives Ted Cruz "Awful People's Choice Award" (VIDEO)

#Endorse This: Jimmy Kimmel Gives Ted Cruz "Awful People's Choice Award" (VIDEO)

Trying to find anything remotely redeemable about Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is like trying to find a needle in a haystack; it's an utter waste of time and you will probably go insane in the process.

The Supreme Court nominating process was reduced to a back alley sideshow by the likes of Republicans, particularly Ted Cruz, as each and every one of them took a turn at being the biggest partisan hack and pander to Trump's rabidly ignorant base.

Late night comedy host Jimmy Kimmel has been poking fun at Ted Cruz and Republicans all week, including a lot of low-key racism on their parts. But with hearings ending this week and Judge Jackson ready to become the next member of the Supreme Court, Kimmel took one last opportunity to nail Cruz.

"Today marked the final day of the Supreme Court hearings for Ketanji Brown Jackson," and "Ted Cruz, he even out-slimed himself this week," Kimmel said. Cruz's false attacks on the children's book Antiracist Baby shot it to No. 1 on Amazon, and "if you were wondering what Ted Cruz was really focused on during the hearing, somebody got a shot of him on his phone yesterday searching for his own name on Twitter. How embarrassing. And can you imagine being Ted Cruz and still wanting to know what people were saying about you online?" But Cruz wasn't alone, and Kimmel doled out "Awful People's Choice Awards" to some of Cruz's Judiciary Committee colleagues. Cruz himself got the "Outstanding Supporting Actress" nod.

Watch The Entire Segment Below:

Michael Hayne is a comedian, writer, voice artist, podcaster, and impressionist. Follow his work on Facebook and TikTok

Gallup Poll Shows Americans Overwhelmingly Support Judge Jackson

Gallup Poll Shows Americans Overwhelmingly Support Judge Jackson

Despite unwarranted attacks from odious Republican Senators Cruz and Hawley to malign SCOTUS nominee Judge Jackson, a majority of Americans are behind her.

According to a new Gallup poll, 58 percent of respondents said the Senate should vote in favor of her historical nomination to the nation's highest court.

The poll, which was taken in the weeks ahead of Jackson's confirmation hearings, shows that 30 percent of those polled said the Senate should not vote in favor of confirming her; an additional 12 percent had no opinion.

"Jackson's support is thus 10 percentage points above the historical norm, while the percentage without an opinion is 11 points lower," Gallup said.

But Jacksons' favorability certainly didn't stop Republicans from stooping to new lows in their pathetic partisan attacks on Judge Jackson. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) brazenly pandered to the lowest common dominator that makes up today's Republican Party by focusing on such paltry nonsense as a children's book about race. Nevertheless, Judge Jackson remained impeccably cool and did not once dignify any of the Republican's infantile attacks.

Michael Hayne is a comedian, writer, voice artist, podcaster, and impressionist. Follow his work on Facebook and TikTok

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