Tag: new hampshire
Trump's 'Absolutely Disgraceful' Slur On Haley's Husband Enrages GOP General

Trump's 'Absolutely Disgraceful' Slur On Haley's Husband Enrages GOP General

Retired brigadier general Don Bolduc, who was the Republican nominee for the 2022 US Senate race in New Hampshire, is blasting former President Donald Trump for his attacks on the military.

During a campaign event for former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, Bolduc assailed Trump for his repeated jabs at Haley's husband, Michael. who is currently deployed in the Horn of Africa with the South Carolina National Guard. The former president mocked Michael Haley for being "away" and "gone" and questioning his whereabouts during a rally last weekend, suggesting that "he knew" something without elaborating.

"The comments that President Trump made about Michael's service, knowing full well where Michael was, and trying to attribute that to some other characterization, is absolutely disgraceful," Bolduc said. "But we also know that's not the first time Donald Trump has done this."

As Bolduc noted, Trump has taken numerous shots at members of the military throughout his political career. In 2018, the Atlantic reported on how, as president, Trump complained about having to stand in the rain at a ceremony honoring fallen service members in France, saying US soldiers who died in war were "losers" and "suckers." He also reportedly complained that the rain would ruin his hair.

Trump also insulted the Gold Star family of a dead Muslim service member, suggesting that the father was the only one spoke during an address at the Democratic National Convention because the soldier's mother was supposedly not allowed (the father stated that she was simply too aggrieved to speak about her son's death).

And as Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) — who is a West Point graduate — noted, Trump has also attacked decorated veterans like the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and former Secretary of Defense James Mattis, who was a four-star general before being appointed to oversee the Pentagon.

"Trump’s toxic brand of so-called leadership has done serious, lasting damage to the U.S. military. He has broken faith with our troops and sought to misuse the military for his own partisan agenda. He has taken money away from needed military projects and diverted it to his ineffective border wall. He seems intent on making it difficult for members of the U.S. military who are stationed overseas to exercise their right to vote," Reed stated on his website. “It will take years to repair the damage President Trump has inflicted on the United States military.

Watch the video of Bolduc's remarks below, or by clicking this link.

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Nikki Haley

On Campaign Trail, Haley Targets Trump's 'Mental Fitness' And Putin 'Bromance'

While on the campaign stump in New Hampshire, former UN ambassador Nikki Haley suggested that former President Donald Trump was so friendly with Russian President Vladimir Putin that she felt it necessary to take the matter directly to her former boss.

Mike Warren of The Dispatch tweeted about Haley's remarks on Trump's "bromance" with Putin while covering her campaign stop in Keene, New Hampshire on Saturday. The former South Carolina governor also addressed Trump's widely ridiculed remarks during a Friday night rally, in which he mistakenly referred to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) as "Nikki Haley," saying his rival's name four times.

"[W]hen you're dealing with the pressures of the presidency, we can't have someone else that we question whether they're mentally fit to do this," Haley said.

During her time at the United Nations, Haley was a frequent and outspoken critic of Putin. In 2018, shortly before resigning from her post, Haley criticized Putin's attack on Ukrainian ships, saying his "outlaw actions" should be condemned by the international community.

"What we witnessed this weekend is yet another reckless Russian escalation," Haley said at the time. "The United States continues to stand with the people of Ukraine against this Russian aggression."

Just a few months prior, then-President Trump famously defended Putin during a press conference in Helsinki, Finland, following the US intelligence community's conclusion that Russia had meddled in the 2016 presidential election to help Trump get elected. Even Republicans panned Trump's defense of Putin, with then-House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) saying there was "no question" the Putin administration interfered in the election. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) called Trump's remarks "disgraceful," adding "no prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant."

Haley is attempting to shore up support among New Hampshirites ahead of the Granite State's first-in-the-nation primary on Tuesday. Polls show her trailing Trump by roughly 13 percentage points.

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Tuberville: Trump's Nazi Rhetoric Should Have Been 'Tougher'

Tuberville: Trump's Nazi Rhetoric Should Have Been 'Tougher'

Former President Donald Trump's remarks about immigrants "poisoning the blood of our country" have been met with near-universal condemnation from Senate Republicans. However, at least one member of the caucus thinks Trump didn't go far enough.

During a campaign speech in New Hampshire, Trump made the remarks specifically about undocumented immigrants from South America, Africa and Asia and promised to ramp up deportations if elected to a second term. President Joe Biden's reelection campaign compared Trump to Adolf Hitler in a statement following Trump's speech. But Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) said Tuesday he was "mad" that the former president wasn't more forceful in his description of immigrants fleeing to the US.

"I asked Tommy Tuberville what he thought about Trump saying immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country and he told me 'i’m mad he wasn’t tougher than that because if you’re seeing what happens at the border,'" tweeted reporter Eric Michael Garcia of The Independent. "He adds 'we’re being overrun.'"

Tuberville is so far alone among Senate Republicans in regard to Trump's latest remarks about immigrants. Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) told The Hill that the former president's rhetoric was "unhelpful." Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) said she "can't explain" Trump's comments, adding that "we're all children of immigrants."

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) went further, calling the ex-president's remarks "deplorable." She added his comments "have no place particularly from a former president." And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) implied that Trump is a hypocrite, saying "it strikes me that didn’t bother him when he appointed Elaine Chao Secretary of Transportation," referring to his wife, who is a Chinese-American immigrant.

The former president's comments about immigrants are almost a verbatim quote from Hitler's manifesto, Mein Kampf. On Monday night, CNN's Kaitlan Collins pointed out that in the book, the architect of the Holocaust wrote that Jewish population "poisons the blood of others."

"Trump has used that line before and other phrases like it that echo Nazi rhetoric," Collins said. "But it should be noted that as you can see there, he is reading off a teleprompter, meaning that he knew exactly what he wanted to say."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Chris Sununu

Gov. Sununu: Trump's Legal Woes Are 'Self-Inflicted' And 'Not Political' (VIDEO)

New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu does not mince words when it comes to former President Donald Trump.

The governor has urged fellow Republicans to pursue other 2024 GOP candidates other than the former president, and recently shunned other GOP presidential hopefuls for backing Trump after a Florida grand jury criminally indicted him for mishandling classified documents.

During a Sunday appearance on CBS News' Face the Nation, host John Dickerson asked Sununu about his opinion on whether Trump "should be given the responsibility to handle the most sensitive national security documents, again," if he were to win re-election, as well as his thoughts on Republican leaders' expression of outrage towards the Department of Justice (DOJ), instead of the former president.

"He had every chance in the world to hand all those files and documents back," Sununu said. "He did just the opposite. He bragged about keeping him. So this is very self-inflicted."

The governor emphasized, "I don't see this as being political. The average person may still think it's political," but, "the reality is a lot of people are looking at that kind of cloud that sits over the DOJ, and says there has been a little too much politics in that department over the past couple of years, there's been a lot of allegations of political handling. So they have the responsibility to say, look, this is different. This is much more severe. And I think they have to do that."

Referring to Trump 2024 rival candidates, Sununu said "they have to come out and acknowledge this is different, this is serious," adding, "I just see too many of the candidates trying to walk around it — 'We'll see what happens.' … You're running against this guy. He's whopping you by 40 points. Everybody needs to come out in concert. So it's not just Chris Christie hitting Donald Trump. … It is a party message. That is very, very important because Donald Trump doesn't represent the Republican Party. He only represents himself."

Watch the CBS video below or at this link.

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

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