Tag: stephen colbert
Endorse This: Colbert Knows Who Called January 6 Rioter From White House

Endorse This: Colbert Knows Who Called January 6 Rioter From White House

After the House Select Committee revealed a perplexing nine-second phone call from the White House to a rioter on January 6, 2021, many have speculated who placed the call from inside the White House. We already know the call was placed to Anton Lu, a deplorable Trump humper from Brooklyn, NY who pled guilty to one riot charge earlier this year.

But Late Show host Stephen Colbert still wonders who made that call from the White House.

"We don't know who made the call but we do know the call lasted only nine seconds," said Colbert. Then he gave his own impression of Trump making that fateful call: " Is your refrigerator running? Well, then you better catch Mike Pence and hang him."

And of course there's much more.

Watch the entire segment below:

Endorse This! Colbert Hits Trump Where It Hurts Most

Endorse This! Colbert Hits Trump Where It Hurts Most

We all know that President Trump's artificially tanned skin is as thin as the pseudo-hair on his head -- and if there's any topic that really irks him, it's the question of his fake "billionaire" status.

“The one thing he hates more than anything is people hearing he’s not as rich he claims he is,” said Stephen Colbert during his latest monologue.

Colbert evidently noted that New York Attorney General Letitia James has accused Trump and his entire family of “staggering” fraud that involves drastically inflating the value of his assets, especially his Mar-a-Lago home.

Hilariously, Trump claimed the Florida estate is worth $739 million -- while James estimates the actual value as just one-tenth of that number. That's a lot of money to store classified documents with ketchup all over them. And Colbert appeared to pick up on that as well.

“Well, of course, it’s worth less now,” he quipped. “The FBI took away all the most re-sellable documents.”

Watch the entire segment below:

Endorse This! Colbert Blasts Ron DeSantis Over Airlift Of Migrants

Endorse This! Colbert Blasts Ron DeSantis Over Airlift Of Migrants

Stephen Colbert blasted Ron DeSantis on Thursday night’s Late Show after the Florida governor dispatched two planes full of Venezuelan asylum seekers to Martha’s Vineyard.

“Hey, Ron, if you’re trying to discourage illegal immigration, maybe don’t send people to one of the loveliest places in New England just in time for leaf-peeping season,” quipped Colbert.

“Of course, DeSantis wasn’t sending these folks to the Vineyard to have a good time. He was human trafficking these families as a political stunt.”

But that stunt blew up in Ron's face when, instead of complaining, the local residents immediately came together to provide food, shelter, healthcare, legal assistance, and even a play area for migrant children.

“Yes, DeSantis owned those libs by making them look compassionate. Just like that cuck Jesus. Send that guy a truckload of lepers, see how he likes it."

Of course Colbert didn't stop there. Just click for his full DeSantis takedown.

Watch the entire segment below:

#Endorse This: Colbert Nails Down Trump's Worst Legal Worry

#Endorse This: Colbert Nails Down Trump's Worst Legal Worry

Facing a litany of legal troubles following the FBI's discovery of classified government documents at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is in a terrible bind. But Stephen Colbert says his worst problem is that he can't find a decent lawyer.

“His current legal team consists of a Florida insurance lawyer who’s never had a federal case, a former host at far-right One America News and a past general counsel for a parking garage company,” noted a smirking Colbert.

"Only the best and brightest people, right?" Colbert went on. "Please, Lord, I don’t ask for much, but please -- let this go to trial.”

Colbert imagines what a clown show that trial would be. Just click!

Watch the entire segment below:

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