#EndorseThis: Sarah Cooper Models Trump's 'Lone Ranger' Look

#EndorseThis: Sarah Cooper Models Trump's 'Lone Ranger' Look

Comedian Sarah Cooper in "How to mask"

Sarah Cooper is at the peak of creativity these days – and now she has issued another TikTok Trump parody titled "How to mask." In a moment of masking revisionism, the president insisted that he has "no problem" with Americans protecting themselves against coronavirus with masks.

Not that Trump would do anything to promote face masks, of course, after he, his White House entourage, and their millions of numbskull followers have spent months stigmatizing them. But more recently he claimed, not very convincingly, that he donned a mask and even liked it.

That black mask, he chuckled, "looked like the Lone Ranger," an allusion to the old radio and TV hero who wore a mask over his eyes (not his nose and mouth).

It's a lot funnier when Sarah does it.

Trump is a worthless president but a priceless buffoon.

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