Midterm Roundup: Down To The Wire In New Hampshire

Midterm Roundup: Down To The Wire In New Hampshire

Here are some interesting stories on the midterm campaigns that you may have missed on Thursday, October 23:

• Does Scott Brown have the momentum in New Hampshire’s Senate race? That’s what many pundits are claiming in light of a new CNN/ORC poll that finds Democratic incumbent Senator Jeanne Shaheen leading Brown by just 2 percent. CNN’s writeup of the survey neglects to mention, however, that their last poll found the race tied. Shaheen still leads by 1.6 percent in the poll average, and has trailed in only two surveys this year.

• Meanwhile, Brown is still having trouble quieting claims that his move from neighboring Massachusetts makes him a carpetbagger. Unforced errors aren’t helping his case; on Thursday, WMUR reported that Brown listed his employer as “Commonwealth of MA” and his occupation as “state senator” on his most recent campaign finance report. And during a debate with Shaheen on Wednesday, Brown’s answer to why he didn’t run again in Massachusetts drew derisive laughter from the audience.

• Another poll has found Democrat Michelle Nunn pulling ahead of Republican David Perdue in Georgia’s Senate race. The survey, from InsiderAdvantage, shows Nunn ahead 47 to 45 percent, with 4 percent undecided. Nunn is now up by less than 1 percent in the poll average, her first such lead of the race. A runoff still appears to be the most likely outcome on election day.

• Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has made national security central to his pitch in Arkansas’ Senate race — which makes his campaign’s decision to disseminate ISIS propaganda in a campaign ad even more mindboggling. Cotton leads Democratic Senator Mark Pryor by 5.5 percent in the poll average.

• And Republican Joni Ernst’s huge public records request has fueled speculation that she is preparing for a potential recount in Iowa’s tight Senate race. Ernst leads Democratic Rep. Bruce Braley by 2.5 percent in the poll average.

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