Endorse This: Scalia Is Too Racist For Trump

Endorse This: Scalia Is Too Racist For Trump


So it turns out even Donald Trump has a limit — and the top conservative Supreme Court justice has crossed it.

During oral arguments last week at the Supreme Court in a key affirmative-action case, Scalia pondered whether African-American students might be better off at “lesser schools” that weren’t “too fast for them” — and furthermore, that those lesser schools would in turn benefit from taking the “really competent blacks” away from the more elite institutions.

Watch this Sunday interview of Trump, in which the Republican frontrunner — who has certainly said his own share of vitriolic remarks about minority groups — talked about how uncomfortable Scalia’s comments made him.

“I thought it was very tough to the African-American community, actually,” Trump said with all earnestness.

“No, I don’t like what he said. I heard him, I was like, ‘Let me read it again’ because I actually saw it in print, and I’m going — I read a lot of stuff — and I’m going, ‘Whoa!'”

Video viaState of the Union/CNN.

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