Sacha Baron Cohen – appearing on Who is America in yet another one of his right-wing disguises – sits down across from Corey Lewandowski, noteworthy hot-head and former Trump campaign manager.
Cohen launches volleys of his usual tactics, trying to get Lewandowski to agree to pro-fascist statements concerning the Nazi demonstrations in Charlottesville, and of course President Trump. For those who haven’t seen Borat, the technique of spelling out horrible things that right-wingers have not sensitized to notice shows up in the infamous rodeo scene, where Cohen shouts “I support your war of terror!” to whooping fans of Bush W’s Iraq invasion.
Lewandowski hams it up for a micro-stump speech and manages to avoid direct answers. But what is really interesting is the weird southern accent that begins to slip out of his mouth after hearing Cohen’s magnificent fake twang. Further evidence that the brilliant comic knows how to get inside a subject’s head.
Admission price: Press play.