Tag: affordable care act
Joni Ernst

The Republican ‘Protect Act’ Will Protect Nobody’s Health Care

As Election Day draws near, another important date is looming for tens of millions of Americans with preexisting health conditions: Nov. 10, the day the Supreme Court will hear arguments on striking down the Affordable Care Act.

Despite the claims of Republican lawmakers, who swear abolishing Obamacare will not result in millions losing insurance, an examination of their alternative, the so-called Protect Act, shows that they're lying through their teeth.

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Kayleigh McEnany

McEnany Refuses To Disclose Details Of Trump’s New ‘Health Plan’

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday refused to provide any details on the health care plan Donald Trump said one night earlier was "all ready" to go.

"I'm not going to give you a readout of what our health care plan looks like and who's working on it," McEnany said in response to a reporter's question about what the plan entailed and who had worked on it. "If you want to know, come work here at the White House."

McEnany's refusal to answer a simple question about Trump's health care plan is par for the course. In the past, she has turned briefings into fights with the media, while pushing lies and falsehoods about Trump's various accusations and claims.

The purpose of the White House news conference is, of course, for the press secretary to inform the American public about the policies the administration is working on. Those with questions about polices that will affect them are not required to work at the White House to know details of those plans.

Of course, it's likely no plan exists at all.

Trump has been promising a new health care plan for years, as he has repeatedly tried to repeal or invalidate the Affordable Care Act through sabotage efforts and lawsuits.

Trump has said numerous times over his three-and-a-half years in office that he would release his health care plan imminently — on at least one occasion promising to release the plan in "two weeks." But those deadlines always come and go with nothing from the White House.

Trump promised a new plan five times in 2020 alone, according to Kaiser Health News, yet has still yet to release anything.

Meanwhile, if the lawsuit seeking to invalidate the ACA — to which Trump has signed on — is successful, millions of people would lose their health care, and those with preexisting conditions would no longer be protected from discrimination from health insurance companies.

Trump has repeatedly lied about his record on preexisting condition protections, reassuring the public that he will guard them against such actions.

Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.

Kayleigh McEnany

In Convention Speech, McEnany Claims Trump Protected 'Pre-Existing Conditions' Coverage

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany lied about Donald Trump's stance on preexisting conditions in her speech at the Republican National Convention Wednesday.

Trump "stands with people with preexisting conditions," McEnany claimed.

That is false.

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obamacare, GOP

House GOP Candidates Drop Attacks On Obamacare

Almost none of the top Republican House candidates currently in the running are campaigning on repealing the Affordable Care Act in 2020, even as Donald Trump himself pushes to get rid of the law.

Last week — despite the ongoing pandemic — the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to strike down the 2010 law, commonly known as Obamacare. If the Court agrees, 20 million Americans would likely lose their health coverage.

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